Hello and welcome to my website!

I am Misty Vixen (not my real name obviously), and I imagine that if you’re reading this, you want to know a bit more about me.

In the beginning (late 2014), I was an erotica author. I wrote about sex, specifically about human men banging hot inhuman women. Monster girls, alien ladies, paranormal babes. It was a lot of fun, but as the years went on, I realized that I was actually striving to be a harem author. This didn’t truly occur to me until late 2019-early 2020. Once the realization fully hit, I began doing research on what it meant to be a harem author. I’m kind of a slow learner, so it’s taken me a bit to figure it all out.

That being said, I’m now a harem author!

Just about everything I write nowadays is harem fiction: one man in loving, romantic, highly sexual relationships with several women. Nowadays, I tend to write more human on human stuff, but I still have a lot of non-human ladies in mind for the future, so if that’s your thing then stick around.

I’d say beyond writing harems, I tend to have themes that I always explore in my fiction, and they encompass things like trust, communication, respect, honesty, dealing with emotional problems in a mature way…basically I like writing about functional and healthy relationships. Not every relationship is perfect, but I don’t really do drama unless the story actually calls for it. In total honesty, I hate drama. I hate people lying to each other and I hate needless rom-com bullshit plots that could have been solved by two characters having a goddamned two minute conversation.

And that’s basically me as a writer. Hopefully you can find something you enjoy somewhere in my library!