Haven 6 Preview!

Haven 6 is going fairly smoothly. Production is on schedule and as of this moment, I’m about 2/3 done with the novel. Ideally, it will be out before June arrives! For now, here is the first chapter of the novel.

If you want to read the first two chapters, you can do so over on my Patreon if you are a 1$/month Patron.

“It may actually rain today,” Ruby murmured as she looked up at the dim gray sky.

David followed her gaze as they navigated the field beside the lake, making slow progress, keeping a wary eye out for vipers or other undesirables. It did look like rain. The sky had been replaced by a seemingly infinite gray cloud cover that spanned one horizon to the other. Occasionally, shafts of sunlight would filter through, but for the most part it was a gray day. He could smell rain on the air, too, though it was faint, and a cold wind gusted every now and then, kicking up dead plants and sprays of dirt as they walked.

“I hope it does,” David replied. “I’ve missed the rain so badly.”

“Same,” Ellie agreed with feeling.

He felt her tail brush against the back of his leg and glanced at her. She was favoring him with a smile, a surprisingly shy one. Normally the grins she flashed him were of the more feral and sultry variety. He smiled back at her, reaching out and trailing his fingertip down one blue-furred arm. It had been a little over a month since she’d come back. It had taken her awhile to gain her strength back, and she was beginning to get back to the look that he’d initially gotten used to her sporting. When she had returned, she’d looked awful: malnourished, her fur patchy, with a lot of injuries. But her fur was growing back in strong and she’d been eating a lot of good meals and working out a lot ever since she’d recovered from the stalker attack.

“Hopefully we can find her and get back before the rain starts. I like rain, but I don’t like operating in it much,” Ruby murmured.

He glanced at her as she led the way along the lake’s edge. Beyond her, in the distance, he could see the factory that he and a few of the others had fought a pack of rippers in a few months ago. He hoped they wouldn’t have to go back in there, but Ruby didn’t seem to think they would. They were looking for a friend of hers from the fishing village who should have been back by now, and Ruby was concerned they’d gotten themselves into trouble. Ruby looked as good as she always did: very tall, very trim, and very red.

And very attractive.

He still had no idea if she was into him or not, and her slightly off-putting, direct manner ultimately led him to allow her to be the one to make a move if she so desired. He was happy enough with their friendship nowadays. And he was glad he could call it that. He’d come to see her a few times over the past month, mainly to maintain a working relationship with the fishing village, but also just to see her. And each time she was happy to see him. Sometimes they went for a walk, sometimes they sat on the dock and fished.

David was getting into fishing. It was a relaxing way to pass the time, especially if you had someone you liked to make conversation with.

Ellie flicked him with her tail again.

He looked at her once more and she offered her hand. He took it, lacing their fingers together, and they walked closer together in Ruby’s wake.

It had been a good month.

In the wake of the assault on the mines, the stalker attacks had almost vanished. It hadn’t taken long for things to settle back into routine, for which David was immensely grateful. Aside from the occasional attack by zombies or stalkers and once, wildcats, his days had been filled with the calm normalcy of what he had hoped life in Haven would be like. He cut wood, he hunted game, he stood guard, he prepared meals, he checked fish traps and rabbit snares, he dealt with the occasional dispute that arose, he maintained relationships with the other settlements.

He fucked, a lot.

Although even that had changed. His sexual partners had dropped off considerably for a number of different reasons.

About two weeks ago, Amanda had, while taking him and Ellie out into the middle of nowhere for a fun-filled threesome, told him that she was temporarily closing her relationship. Her and her husband were becoming overwhelmed between their varied responsibilities, and something had to go, so the extramarital sex sessions had gone on the chopping block for now.

Although he’d slept with Lindsay several more times, she’d ended up getting into a monogamous relationship with Robert the previous week, so they’d ceased sleeping together.

Ashley was now almost exclusively sleeping with Ellie. The pair had, after some bitter fighting not long after she’d gotten back, mended and then deepened their relationship. They spent a lot of time together, although occasionally she pulled him or Cait into a threesome.

Lara would be sleeping with him a lot more, but he’d hardly seen her at all since the assault on the mines. She’d been extremely busy with Lima Company, more so than ever due to the losses they had suffered during the stalker incident. The one time they’d seen each other was during one of the weekly scouting missions of the mines that they had all agreed to, to make sure the stalkers wouldn’t return, she’d been clearly very tired. And he hadn’t even had a chance to see Catalina again after their initial fling.

He’d slept with Katya and Vanessa a few times since last he’d seen them, as they were still more than thrilled to hop in bed with him whenever the opportunity presented itself.

An interesting thing had happened with both Jennifer and April. Their sexual appetites had apparently been quenched, for the most part. Or, as Cait had explained it to him when it had occurred to him that their sexual interactions had dropped off a bit, they were like someone who had been craving something for years, like chocolate. And then, suddenly, they’d been given unlimited access to chocolate, and had gorged themselves on it, and now that they’d done so, they weren’t necessarily sick of it, but their need for it had been satisfied, and was being kept satisfied by regular access to it. And once you had a need that had been eclipsing everything else in your life satisfied, it made you aware of other things you cared about.

And he could see it in the way Jennifer and April were both going out more often, talking with people, solving problems. Both of them had been very reclusive, and David knew it wasn’t just the fact that they were both getting laid regularly, but the fact that they were now living in a community of people who didn’t just tolerate them, but liked them and welcomed their company. They’d both actually felt guilty, like they were neglecting not just their relationships with him, but with Cait and Evie as well, but they’d all told both women the same thing: it was fine, they should enjoy themselves! David wanted them to be happy.

Then there was Akila. She was still an enigma. Although she called Haven home, and they had indeed cleared out that old storage room for her and gotten her a bed and some simple furniture, she was gone more often than not. She explained it as having an intense desire to spend much of her time among the forest, especially now that winter was dying and spring was coming. He didn’t blame her. Cait said she had a wandering soul, and he thought that made sense. He was just glad to see her when he did, and glad he could count her among his friends.

And glad that she fucked his brains out whenever she returned to Haven.

Their reunions were always passionate and nearly ravenous and feral. She fucked him and Ellie and Cait and April and Evie, pretty much anyone who was around. She was a ferocious lover with a voracious appetite when the urge came to her.

At this point, the women he regularly slept with were Cait, Evie, and Ellie.

And in a way, he was grateful for this, because holy fucking shit, it was a bit much to handle even just between the three of them. Evie had what he thought was an average sexdrive. They usually fucked once every two days or so. But Cait and Ellie…

They were running him ragged.

They were going to kill him someday if they kept up.

Ellie had, from what he knew, always been very amorous, always down to fuck if you were on her good side. She fucked him a minimum of once per day, and their sessions were often vigorous, sometimes lengthy. He thought it might peter out eventually, or at the very least calm down to something like what he had with Evie, after she was used to being back and living in Haven again, or maybe deepened her relationship with Ashley even more. (Sometimes he wondered if Ashley was jealous of him, because of how much Ellie fucked him.)

But Cait took the goddamned cake.

She wanted sex all the time. She was so horny. They fucked at least twice a day, usually three or four times. Sometimes he couldn’t even get it up and he instead fingered her or ate her out until she orgasmed. She would come to him and just demand to screw. Not that he was complaining. Honestly, just thinking about it kind of made him want to hurry home and fuck her again. Although he tried not to put labels on his relationships…

He had to admit that Cait had kind of slid into his number one slot. Part of him felt like that was natural, given the fact that she was pregnant with his child, but he still felt kind of guilty, and he was careful not to give anyone preferential treatment over anyone else. They were all very reasonable, though, and he tried to be reasonable too. Relationships were different. How much he meant to Ellie wasn’t the same as how much he meant to Katya, for example. Cait’s and Evie’s relationship wasn’t necessarily the same as his and Cait’s relationship. And that was okay. Somehow, he felt like he still mostly had a handle on his varied relationships, mainly because all the people involved were decently reasonable and willing to be patient and listen.

Which was great, because he was pretty frightened of the future right now.

Specifically, the fact that he was going to be a father.

He’d talked to several people about it, mainly Amanda and Lindsay, who were themselves parents, and they’d assuaged the worst of his fears, but he was still fairly worried. He was at least happy to find that he had no urge to flee, no desire to get out of fatherhood in any capacity. He wanted this to happen, and that hadn’t changed since the night Cait had told him. He was more afraid of the dangers of the world around him, and all the bad things that might happen to his child. If anything, though, it just redoubled his motivation to prepare himself for the worst case scenario. As such, he was on his way to being in the best shape of his life.

Besides the everyday workouts he’d begun doing, the training he’d kept up with Cait and now Ellie again, he still went on excursions like these whenever he could. Something about the exploration of the wilderness called to him intensely. That and the fact that, much to his chagrin, he was becoming at least a little addicted to dangerous situations. And, well, when you were living in a world infested with asshole humans and dangerous monsters, it probably was a good thing to have such an addiction. At least in moderation.

“So you never really explained who this friend of yours is,” Ellie said.

“Oh, right,” Ruby murmured. She seemed distracted and, if anything, a little frustrated. It was unusual on her. “Her name is Linnie. She’s...a little like a younger sister to me. She’s stupid and reckless. But I like her, and I watch out for her. She’s a teenager. She runs off a lot to be on her own. Sometimes to explore, sometimes because she’s mad at her parents.”

“If I recall, you slip off on your own often enough,” Ellie said.

“Yes, but the difference is I know how to take care of myself. Linnie merely thinks she knows how to take care of herself. She isn’t helpless, but she’s no warrior,” Ruby replied.

“You definitely know how to take care of yourself,” David murmured. He’d seen Ruby in action more than once now and each time she proved to be an exceptional warrior.

“Where do you think she is?” Ellie asked.

“The first place I want to look is a cabin she likes to go to. That collection of trees up there? It’s just beyond that,” Ruby replied. “Hopefully she’ll be there. If not, there’s a few other places we can check. I just want to make sure she’s okay. We’ve been seeing a surge in viper activity recently and those things are so dangerous...”

David lost his smile. The vipers had indeed been a problem over the past several months, and he’d already drawn comparisons between the problem with the stalkers and the problem with the vipers. They’d been showing similar signs: a vast increase in numbers, attacking settlements with more frequency, showing up in places they shouldn’t. Although the vipers had dropped off a bit for a few weeks there, he had been running into more of them around the river, and the fishing village, Lima Company, and even the hospital had reported running into them. And he still sometimes had nightmares about his trip to the island.

Were they breeding, too?

If they were, he imagined it would be all happening underwater, and how could they deal with that? Were there any squids left in the lake? There had to be, or at least had to have been some at one point, because you couldn’t have vipers without squids. Maybe-

A gunshot sounded somewhere nearby.

Ruby took off running. “That’s coming from the cabin.”

Ellie let go of his hand and the two of them ran after her. David had his pistol out in a heartbeat and made sure the safety was off. They quickly closed the gap between themselves and the stand of trees, and as they hurried through them, heard more gunshots and shrieking that sounded familiar: vipers. Not something he particularly wanted to hear right now. They hurried through the trees and as they neared the other side, he finally got a glimpse of the situation they were going to have to deal with. A small cabin about fifty feet from the lake’s edge, the wood old and weathered, with vines crawling up one side of it, was infested with vipers.

There were three or four on the roof, looking for a way in, and the others were trying to get in through windows or doors, with yet still a few more coming in from the lake. Ruby took aim with the scoped pistol she apparently carried around with her and popped one of them right off the roof, then proceeded to put down the others up there. David and Ellie ran forward a bit, making sure to get clear to either side of her as not to get in her line of sight, and started carefully opening fire with their own sidearms.

Some of the vipers broke away from the cabin in response to this new threat and began sprinting towards them, shrieking, looking terrifying with their huge black eyes and their bulbous gray heads. David shot one right in its weird head and it popped like a zit, bursting in a spray of dark gray gore and sending its thin body flopping to the ground. He shifted his aim, tracking another as it came for him, and squeezed the trigger. Another bullet punched into another undead skull, ending its life. Ellie and Ruby fired beside him, as did whoever was in the cabin. Within another twenty seconds, the rest of the vipers had been put down.

A few more emerged from the lake, and David shot them as they came, emptying his magazine. He reloaded and waited for more to arrive, but none did. A cold wind blew across the lake, making him shiver.

Vipers really freaked him the fuck out.

They all freaked him out, but it seemed like each did in their own unique way.

And damn but vipers were creepy.

“W-who’s out there?” a voice called a moment later.

For the first time since meeting her, David got to see Ruby annoyed. “It’s Ruby, Linnie. Get your ass out here!” she called back as she reloaded.

A moment passed, then the door to the cabin opened and a human woman emerged. She looked sheepish as she first looked around at all the dead vipers, then began to walk towards Ruby. Slowly at first, but perhaps the paranoia that more vipers might show up, which was a possibility, got the better of her and she hurried up.

“Ruby-” she began.

“Your parents. Are livid,” Ruby said slowly, staring daggers at her. Again, David was surprised. He’d never seen her exhibit such emotion.

“I’m sorry,” Linnie replied, glancing uneasily at him and Ellie.

“Why were you here?”

“I...” she hesitated, then glanced at the lake, then down at her feet. “I wanted to come out here, and my parents said I couldn’t, and-”

“And what? Did you declare ‘you can’t tell me what to do!’ and run off just to spite them?” Ruby asked sharply.

“No!” Linnie replied immediately, but she still looked guilty.

“No, but that’s what it became, wasn’t it?” She heaved a sigh. “Why are you like this? Why are you so petulant?”

“I don’t know! It just-I get so pissed when they fucking try to control me, okay!?”

“Linnie, there are vipers all over the place.”

“I know! That just makes it worse! They get to tell me what to do and they even have a fucking reason to back them up! They didn’t want me to come out here because of the vipers, they just wanted me to obey commands!” she snapped.

“...how old are you, exactly?” Ellie asked.

“I’m nineteen!”

Ruby sighed. “Linnie, just stop. You’re coming back with me right now, and you aren’t coming back out here by yourself until the viper activity has settled down. And, for the love of fucking God, try trusting your parents. At least a little. I know your parents and...okay, well, I could see your dad being that petty, I’ll be completely honest. But your mom actually gives a shit about you, Linnie. It would break her if something happened to you. Please try to be more reasonable...okay?”

Linnie sighed. “Yeah, okay.”

“Good. Now come on.”

As they began walking back, David figured he at least knew why Ruby had been so frustrated.

They walked back to the village and dropped off Linnie without much trouble, though David had to admit he was glad to be rid of her. She complained most of the way back. When they were finished with that, however, Ruby beckoned them over to the edge of the village.

“What’s up? You need help with something else?” Ellie asked.

“...yes,” Ruby replied after a moment’s hesitation.

He and Ellie exchanged glances. “What is it?”

“I’d rather wait until we were elsewhere before telling you,” Ruby replied.

“Okay, now I’m really curious,” David said.

“Yeah...come on, what is it? You’ve never been reluctant to explain yourself before,” Ellie asked.

“It’s...” here, a small smile touched her face, “personal.”

That seemed to make sense to Ellie, at least, because a similar smile touched her face. “Oh! Okay. Yeah, come on, David,” she said, taking his hand. Ruby began to lead them.

“Wait, what is it? What the fuck does ‘it’s personal’ mean to you that it doesn’t mean to me?” he asked, honestly curious.

“Holy shit, you actually can be really thick sometimes, can’t you?” Ellie muttered. She laughed. “That’s fine. Surprises are fun. Just trust me, David.”

He sighed. “Fine.”

And so they walked, first retracing their steps along the northern side of the lake. The conversation was light as they first moved past the cabin they’d saved Linnie from, and then the factory, and finally came to another cabin by the lake’s edge. This one seemed to be in better condition, with the windows mostly boarded over.

“Is this yours?” Ellie asked as they approached it.

“Yes. This is mine. I found it last year. Sometimes I just want to be by myself, so I started coming out here. At first just to relax, eventually I began to fix it up, and finally I made it my own. Sometimes I come out here for a day or two. I fish, I hunt, I relax,” Ruby replied.

They took a few moments to make sure no one, human or monsters, was hanging around, inside or outside, and he got a look at the interior of the cabin as they came in. It was obvious that Ruby had put a lot of work into it. It had its own little kitchen nook, a place for gutting and cleaning fish, a couch beside a bookshelf that had several paperbacks on it, (at this point, April had two custom-made bookshelves in her bedroom, packed with paperbacks they had found for her), a small dining area, and a single double-wide bed tucked up into one corner, neatly made.

“Nice place,” David said.

“Thank you,” Ruby replied. Now she looked a little flustered.

“So, Ruby, why don’t you inform us all why you’ve brought us all the way out here to your personal, private cabin,” Ellie said.

Ruby huffed a little sigh. “This is difficult for me,” she said.

“Okay, okay, sorry. Shutting up,” Ellie replied, taking a seat at the table.

Ruby looked at David. “The reason I brought you out here is...well, like many women in your life, it seems, if what Ellie has told me is to be believed, I wish to...couple with you. Sexually.” She paused. “I want to have sex. With you. Is that direct enough?”

“Yes, that’s plenty direct,” David replied.

“You look surprised.”

“It’s just his face, he always look like that,” Ellie murmured.

“Shut up, Ellie,” David replied. He cleared his throat. “I am surprised. I didn’t think you were interested in me.”

“That’s fair,” she replied. “So you are interested in me?”

“Yes,” he confirmed. “I am very interested in you.”

“Duh,” Ellie murmured.

“Will you shut up, you blue-furred bitch?” David growled at her.

Ellie just smiled sweetly at him.

“I don’t have much of a sexdrive, I’ve learned,” Ruby said. “But it’s not nonexistent. I still feel arousal, and attraction to some people. Though, Ellie, just to temper your expectations right now, I am only attracted to men.”

“Fair enough,” Ellie replied.

“Good. I haven’t had sex in quite awhile. It’s hard for me to find...suitable partners. I am attracted to a few in the village, but I believe the concept of having sex with me, and only occasionally, and no other aspect of our relationship would change, to be too foreign or taxing for them to fully appreciate. But I have since become attracted to you, and you seem like a very suitable person to have sex with once, and maybe again in the future, but maybe just once. If that makes sense?”

“That makes sense,” David said. “You want to try me out.”

“Yes...I assumed that if it didn’t work out, it wouldn’t bother you because you have other women in your life...”

“Well, that’s a fair assumption,” David replied, with a small laugh. “Regardless, if we have sex and you decide you don’t want to do it with me again, you won’t have to worry about any negative feelings from me. If you want, we can have sex now, and things can continue exactly as they have been going between us.”

“That is what I think will most likely happen, though if this goes well, I will admit that it would be nice to have someone to make love with on occasion...if that is okay,” Ruby replied.

“That is very okay,” David said.

“I could’ve told you that...would it be too much for you if I watched?” Ellie asked.

“No, I don’t mind,” Ruby replied.

“Thank God,” Ellie muttered, settling back deeper into her chair.

“So, should we...” David began, shrugging out of his pack.

“Yes. I can spare an hour,” Ruby replied, doing the same. While they began to undress, she looked at him intently. “I’m curious...what do you find attractive about me?”

“I...” David hesitated.

“It’s not a trick question, David. You can take what Ruby says at face value,” Ellie offered.

“Why would it be a trick question?” Ruby asked.

“It’s...complicated. But okay, face value. Well, intangibly, your competence at survival and sharpshooting, your bravery, the way you keep calm in the face of danger. Physically? I love how tall you are, I love the fact that you’re not human, and your fur is beautiful.

“Oh. Interesting. Most men are put off by my height,” Ruby said as she took off her shirt and then peeled off the bra she wore beneath it, freeing some really fucking sexy medium-sized breasts. Then she pulled her shorts down.

“David has a thing for tall women,” Ellie said.

“That’s extremely true,” David agreed as he finished getting naked and quickly began the process of washing up with a bottle of water, a rag, and a thin bar of soap.

“I guess that does hold true, although don’t I seem short by comparison with regards to Evelyn, or Vanessa?” she asked.

“I mean, directly compared to them, yeah. But they aren’t here, and you aren’t a goliath. You’re a jag. You’ve probably got a good four vertical inches on me, and that is really hot,” David replied.

“Why is that?”

He shrugged. “I honestly have no idea. I’ve never really heard anyone adequately explain why they are attracted to what they are attracted to. Tall women turn me on. Inhuman women turn me on. Tough women turn me on. It is what it is.”

“I suppose that is true.”

Ruby did some basic washing as he finished up his own, and the two of them crawled onto the bed. David felt an ironically familiar thrill that came from going to bed with an unfamiliar woman for the first time. He’d gotten to know Ruby over the past few months...sort of. She liked to fish, she liked to read, she liked to be by herself, and once she set her mind to a task she didn’t want to stop until it was finished. Could he satisfy her? Probably the question that bugged him the most whenever he was going to have sex with a new woman.

Fuck, she was really tall. It was weird that that was leaping out at him, but he supposed he was used to goliaths being tall because, well, they were goliaths. It was different with a non-goliath. She had a beautiful body, her hips and thighs trim and athletic, her frame long and sleek. She really did have seriously fucking hot tits and that was where his hand went first, almost on its own. She let him touch her breast, caressing it at first, feeling her soft, warm red fur against his bare skin, and then cupping it, groping it gently.

She leaned in and kissed him, and that quickly turned into making out. As they kissed and began to touch tongues together, and he felt her run her soft hand over his body, he was a little surprised. He’d thought she’d be more tentative or hesitant, but she was pretty much diving right in. Well, confidence seemed to carry over into sex with her. That wasn’t true for everyone. There was something hot, and very intimidating, about that.

It had been that way with Cait, and with Akila, and Ellie.

“You taste good, David,” she whispered into the kiss.

“So do you, Ruby,” he replied, sliding his hand down her side and coming to rest on her fit, firm ass. Her ass had a bit of a swell to it, a bit more padding than the rest of her, and it sent such a thrill of excited lust through him as he groped it.

“How badly do you want to fuck me, David?” Ruby whispered.

“Very, very badly,” he murmured.

She shivered gently. “I had forgotten what it feels like to be desired so intensely...it is such a good feeling.”

“Yes,” he agreed, kissing her again. He slipped a hand in between her fit thighs and began to pleasure her, eliciting a loud moan from her. “I desire you so intensely, Ruby. You’re such a beautiful, desirable woman.”

She moaned louder and he pressed harder, rubbing in hard, fast little circles on her clit. She bucked her hips against his finger, groaning in sheer pleasure. Her kissing intensified and she gripped his cock firmly, massaging it in her grasp, sending little shocks of pleasure into him, building up even more lust inside of him.

He kept fingering her for a bit longer, then slipped his finger inside of her and oh holy fucking shit she was tight. Her pussy felt so goddamned tight around his finger as he fucked her slowly with it, pressing up into her most sensitive spot, getting louder cries of pleasure from her. He kept that up for awhile, then switched back to stimulating her clit, and going through this cycle twice more got an intense orgasm from her.

Her long, lean, red-furred body looked marvelously beautiful as it twitched and writhed in the bed beside him, against him, as she came. He continued pleasuring her, stimulating her throughout the orgasm, listening to her moans and gasps of bliss. When she was finished, she placed her hand flat against his chest and pushed him onto his back.

“Now it is my turn to pleasure you,” she said, her voice sedate, her expression serene as she looked into his eyes. Then she kissed him and slipped nimbly down lower until she was between his legs. She slipped her lips slowly, carefully over the head of his cock and immediately sent a shock of hot pleasure into him. He groaned loudly and fought not to shift around too much as she continued taking his dick into her mouth. Her movements were slow and languid as she began to suck him off, putting her wonderful lips to use.

“You...do not seem inexperienced,” he panted as she began bobbing her head.

“I doubt I’m as experienced as most of the women in your life,” she said, and licked the bottom of his cock, making him shudder and groan, “but I know enough to get by.”


“You sure look good with his dick in your mouth,” Ellie murmured.

Ruby simply smiled and went back to giving him head. She worked up a good mouthful of spit as she sucked his dick, slipping her lips up over the head again and again, sending intense waves of bliss radiating out through his body. She coated his dick in a layer of her hot saliva and then took it out of her mouth.

“Can I be on top?” she asked.

“Hell yes,” he replied immediately, and she let out a small laugh.

“You’re very enthusiastic, aren’t you?” she asked as she mounted him easily.

“Who the fuck wouldn’t be?” he replied.

“Yeah,” Ellie agreed.

“The few experiences I’ve had with sex...well, I get the feeling that my partners were either intimidated by me, or too uncomfortable with emotional expression to properly convey how they felt about the encounter. I think they feared I would take them less seriously if they showed enthusiasm for the encounter,” she murmured as she straddled him.

“Definitely don’t have to worry about that with David,” Ellie said. “He just gets stupid happy about sex.”

“Because it makes me stupid happy,” he replied. “And-oh my fucking God...” he groaned as she began introducing his cock to her pussy.

Her very hot and wet, and exquisitely tight pussy.

“You doing okay there, David?” Ellie asked, laughing.

“I...oh wow...this is...oh fuck...” he moaned as she worked him deeper into her.

“You are bigger than I thought,” Ruby murmured as she rose up, lowered herself, rose up again, lowered herself again, her movements careful.

“Well, you’re pretty thin,” Ellie said. “And he’s got a good heft to him, make sure you don’t hurt yourself. You do not want tearing.”

“No, I don’t,” she murmured.

David waited while she eased him inside of her, basking in the hot bliss of her bare vagina. Holy fuck, she was seriously tight. And she seemed to tower over him. It was strange, as he was used to being ridden by Evie at this point, and Vanessa, who was even taller, and yet even with just four inches of height on him, Ruby seemed to also tower over him kind of like they did. He supposed perspective was sometimes a very in-the-moment kind of thing. She looked beautiful, though he didn’t quite feel that sense of connection he did with some of the women he took to bed. Well, you couldn’t connect with everyone.

As she finished getting him comfortably inside of her, Ruby reached down and grasped his hands. She held them between them, lacing their fingers, and began to ride him. Her breath began to come faster, and she closed her eyes, focusing on the pleasure, the physical sensations of their coupling. He did much the same, though he kept his eyes open, absolutely in love with the sight of her long, nude body as she rode him, her breasts bouncing in time with the rest of her, her hips and the way her thigh muscles shifted beneath her fur each time she pushed herself back up. And, best of all, the way his cock looked going into her raw pussy again and again.

Before long she let go of his hands and rested them on his chest, and his own hands slipped up her soft thighs to her firm hips, grasping them and pushing up into her. She began to ride him faster, moaning loudly, looking very sure of herself, very sexually charged. He had been fantasizing about this exact thing ever since he had first laid eyes on Ruby, and he was glad to find it was every bit as wonderful as he had hoped it would be. And then he slid one hand down, in between them, until his thumb found her clit.

She gasped. “Oh! That’s...oh wow,” she whispered as he began to rub it.

“I want to make you come again,” he replied, and started rubbing harder.

She let out a cry of bliss and he loved hearing it. That was another thing he had wanted desperately to experience: hearing her voice, which was normally so calm and subdued, yelling out in sexual bliss. It was a beautiful sound. She began to fuck him harder and faster, and soon switched to stirring his rock-hard cock around inside of her, getting herself off as he thumbed her clit, and within another minute of this he had a second orgasm going.

She reached up and grabbed his shoulders, digging in her fingertips as she began to come, and he groaned at that hot gush of sex juices coming out from around his dick. That fluttering of her inner muscles, the increased heat, the burst of extra pleasure as he thrust up into her orgasming pussy. About halfway through, he felt unexpected bursts of pain in his shoulders and he let out a cry of surprise. Ruby opened her eyes and then pulled her hands back.

“Sorry!” she panted, then moaned. “Sorry!”

“Oh my God, you clawed him!” Ellie said, laughing.

“I couldn’t...oh! Oh! Yes! I can’t help it!” she cried.

“It’s fine,” he moaned, still fucking her. “It’s fine, Ruby.”

She finished coming and relaxed slightly, then focused. “I’m sorry. We should stop and bandage them.”

“Not yet,” David replied. “Can I be on top now?”

“I...yes,” she said. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

His shoulders hurting, and bleeding a little now, he and she switched places, and she ended up on her back with her legs spread and her knees raised, and he settled in between those wonderful, athletic thighs of hers and began humping her, driving his rigid cock into her sweet, sweet pussy with a renewed intensity.

Ruby let out a long cry of bliss as he fucked her, and the pleasure began to overwhelm him.

“Can I come in you?” he moaned.

“Yes,” she replied. “Yes you can, David.”

He started to orgasm into that perfect pussy of Ruby’s not much later, and groaned at the intense ecstasy that exploded inside of him. He began shooting his load into her, filling her up, pumping her full of his seed. Each burst of it that escaped him generated a fresh wave of absolute rapture, and it was still the best feeling in his world.

Coming inside of a woman for the first time, with no protection between them at all, was still the best physical thing he had ever felt.

When he was finished, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then carefully pulled out of her and sat on the edge of the bed.

For a moment, they both stayed like that, him sitting on the bed, her laying beside him, staring up at the ceiling.

“I’m sorry for hurting you,” Ruby said finally.

“I forgive you,” David replied. “I don’t mind. It was worth it. Ellie’s done it to me, and worse than that.”

“Yep,” Ellie replied, almost sounding proud of it.

“You aren’t angry?”

“No, not at all.”

“Okay. Good.” She paused, then looked at him directly. “That felt amazing. Was that a very good session for you?”

“Oh yes,” he replied immediately. Ellie got up and began rummaging through her backpack. “That was indeed amazing,” he agreed.

“Good. Would you be amenable to trying again sometime?”

“Extremely amenable.”

She smiled. “I’m glad. I would like that, too.”

“Okay, David, let’s get you patched up,” Ellie said, coming at him with some medical supplies. He just nodded and let her go to work on his shoulders.