The Misty Vixen Newsletter (December 2019)

Here we are, in the final month of the year and the decade.

First, updates.

Straitlaced can be bought as an eBook for 1.99$ or read through the Kindle Unlimited here. Nude version is here.

Epilogue can be bought as an eBook for 2.99$ or read through the Kindle Unlimited here. Nude version is here.

The second Parasexual Collection, which collects Parasexual 4, Parasexual 5, Straitlaced, and Epilogue, as well as featuring a brand new, 6,600 word short story called An Unexpected Pleasure that takes place between Straitlaced and Epilogue, can be bought as an eBook for 9.99$ here. It can be bought as a paperback for 14.99$ here.

And with that, holy fucking shit, not only is Parasexual done, but the Paranormal Universe is closed out!

Technically speaking I still have four short stories set in that universe to write, one for Parasexual, one for Paranormal Passions, one for Roommates With Benefits, and one for Blind Date, to be packaged with some of the Quickies collections of bonus content, but that comes later and the universe is basically done with. I feel a little weird about closing it out. Mainly good, but I guess a little bad considering I know there’s going to be at least some people who really like it and want more. But unfortunately I just don’t really have it in me to write modern paranormal erotica, at least not consistently. The ideas just don’t come. And so it’s done, and I’m relieved.

The only other thing I really got done in November was I got Hellcats re-covered!

All the covers lead to nude versions on my Patreon, except for The Complete Trilogy, which leads to the Kindle version. This month I hope to get the Alien Harem covers remade, and after that I think I’ll knock a few more singles off the list like Royal Lust and Adventurous.

Now, as for what I’ll be doing with my professional time in December?

Haven 3. Writing the fuck out of Haven 3. I’ve already got it planned out AND I already have the cover made! If all goes according to the planned schedule that I’ve drawn up for myself, I should be able to get Haven 3 out before 2020. But again, I want to remind everyone that a lot can change in a month. Just know that I am aiming for a December release.

I’ve decided to go ahead and attempt to implement that 80-20 split in terms of my writing. So every weekday, I’ll be also getting a bit of progress made on none other than Demoness V! I already have the cover art for that, too! If all goes very well, I will be able to release Demoness V in January. After that, I’ll promptly begin work on Haven 4. After that? I’m not sure, admittedly.

Right now, things are looking kind of shitty. My sales dropped a LOT in November. Like, numbers that are beginning to genuinely worry me. I’m really, really hoping that Haven 3, as well as a big giveaway I’m planning near the end of the month, will help pump the numbers back up and keep them up for awhile, but fuck, there’s no real way to tell. I mean, I’m also hoping that releasing 3 Parasexual titles back to back will help, but Parasexual hasn’t been a great seller, as much as I’ve tried very hard to make it awesome.

I’ll try to give a better forecast of what I want to get done in 2020 in the next newsletter, but pretty much all my plans have to be taken with a grain of salt because of the unpredictability of my job. The likeliest course of action, in short, will be: Write a lot of Haven, with the occasional break for something else.

Wish me luck, it seems like I’m always running low on it.