The Misty Vixen Newsletter (November 2019)

Parasexual 5 is out now!

eBook here. Paperback here. Kate nude here.

I mentioned earlier that I would try to go hard and refocus my efforts on a single project at a time. The result of this was that I finished Parasexual 5 in about a month, and it was the longest Parasexual novel, edging out Parasexual 3 by about fifteen hundred words. So I’d call that a success. Ideally, this is how every production would go. Including breaks, I could probably get about ten novels a year done at that rate, if they all averaged between sixty and seventy thousand words.

But if the past two years have taught me anything, it’s to be wary of my own sustainability. I’ve started putting more of a concerted effort into focusing, and I do think I’m starting to get back to where I once was. Unfortunately, winter is setting in now, and I have a very hard time with winter. So…we’ll see how that goes.

Now, I also mentioned that I was going to release a Parasexual collection. And here it is!

eBook here. Paperback here.

It contains Parasexual 1, 2, & 3, as well as a bonus short story roughly 3,000 words long that now serves as an Epilogue for Parasexual 2. Basically, it’s a threesome between Alex, Brianna, and Aurora right after they shift from their hotel to Aurora’s place.

Okay, with regards to what I said earlier about repackaging the exclusive bonus shorts, (which I will dive into later after I wrap up Parasexual news), I am going to do that, however, it will be a little while before I get around to it. So if you don’t feel like dropping another 10$ on this collection and want to wait, that’s totally understandable. I’m not at present entirely sure when it will become available, but it will become available in a bonus pack for 2.99$ at some point.

Now, Parasexual news.

I’m almost done with Parasexual!

First of all, it occurred to me that I had an idea for the series that never ended up fitting somewhere else. Initially, I thought it would make for a good bonus short, maybe in Collection 2, but it was too long to be one of those. (I tend to aim for between 2,000 - 4,000 words for those bonus shorts.) So instead, I decided to just make it a stand-alone short story. This way, you can just buy it for 2$, or read it through the KU. It’s called Straitlaced, and it’s about Stacy, the buttoned-down business elf in Parasexual 5, and is a follow-up to their brief exchange in her office. As of right now, it is written, edited, and basically ready to go. I’m waiting on the cover art. Last update from my cover artist was the sketch, which looked awesome, so ideally it will become available within the next week or so.

In the meantime, I’m going full steam ahead with Parasexual - Epilogue. I’m still planning it, and I’m aiming for it to be between 15,000 - 20,000 words. So it shouldn’t take too long to write and edit, and I already have the cover art for it! It picks up about four months after the end of Parasexual 5 and kind of touches on where everyone’s at, and where Alex is at with the various women in his life, and also features a sexual encounter with a character I touched on but never came back to. It’ll be out sometime in November, basically as soon as I can.

After that, the very last thing Parasexual related I need to do is release Collection 2, which will bind together Parasexual 4, 5, Straitlaced, & Epilogue, and also feature a bonus short. And then I’ll be done!

Quick update about new cover art. I got My Undead Lover done, but I decided against doing Desire for the moment and instead got Amazonian’s Love out of the way. Hellcats is presently being worked on. Pics link to nude versions.

So yeah, Hellcats covers are up next. The first one should be ready soon. After that, I’ll probably knock Alien Harem out.

Now, collections of bonus shorts. I’m still figuring them out. I’m almost certain that I’m going to call these collections Quickies. It really fits with what’s on offer. My only reluctance is that I titled two other collections like this Quickies back in 2015 and it didn’t go over so well, but I don’t think many people actually remember that, so it’ll probably be fine. I want to call it something other than Bonus Shorts #1.

Now, as for some kind of release schedule for these bonus shorts? That’s where the problem comes in. Either I suck at research or…something else, but the little information I’ve managed to put together about the subject indicates that it’s a real shit idea to let more than a month go by without some kind of release on Amazon. The site punishes you if you don’t keep a steady stream of content. I’ve also heard two months, but I’d like to err on the side of caution. Quickies will basically allow me some breathing room if (when) I’m having some trouble getting a new title out in time. That’s why I don’t want to make any kind of release schedule.

That being said, some are probably wondering why there isn’t a month window between Parasexual 5 and Straitlaced, and another between Straitlaced and Epilogue, and again between Epilogue and Parasexual Collection #2. Two reasons. The first is that I once read that in this new era of digital self-publishing, the best time to publish is right now. Setting release date weeks or even months in advance of when you actually have the story written, edited, and ready to go is just leaving money on the table. The second, and most important reason, is that I always try to balance business with…not-business, I guess? I don’t want to run Misty Vixen like a cold, distant, ruthlessly efficient businessperson. And I don’t like to keep people waiting with arbitrary release dates. If it’s ready to go, then it’s ready to go.

All that being said, I’ll have Quickies #1 on standby for winter, because I have no doubt that something’s going to go wrong, and I’m going to miss my window of release there.

Which leads me to the immediate future following the completion of Parasexual. Haven 3. I intend to jump on Haven 3 and get it written and out, ideally, before 2020. But that has a slim chance of happening. If I miss that window, then January should be a solid lock. Unless something goes really wrong. I’ll then release Haven 1 - 3 Collected. I think the bonus short is going to take place between the end of Haven 2 and the beginning of Haven 3.

And then? I still don’t know. I want to say I’ll get to work on Demoness V, but I might need to dive right into Haven 4. I am genuinely considering switching up my ‘only work on one thing at a time’ tactic to a 20/80 split. I shoot for 5,000 words a day every weekday. So in this scenario, I’d write 4,000 words of Haven 4, and 1,000 words of Demoness V. So, ideally, by the time I wrap up Haven 4, if it’s roughly 60,000 words, I’ll have written 20,000 words worth of Demoness V by then, and then I’ll switch it. Demoness V will become the 4,000 words per day title, and Haven 5 will become the 1,000 words per day title. I think this might be the smartest way to write, but sometimes the smartest way isn’t always compatible with me.

Either way, that’s what’s up. Thanks for reading and supporting me!