The Misty Vixen Newsletter (March 2019)


February was not a great month. I’ve had some setbacks.

On the upside, I published Demoness IV! Also, I really like how it came out, which is rare for me, but I feel is getting a little bit more common nowadays. I hope it means that I’m getting better at writing, but it could just mean I’m becoming delusional.

The other bit of good news is that Parasexual 3 is done writing, and is in the editing stages. Provided all goes well, it will be up within the next two weeks. Basically, as soon as I can.

And that’s about all the good news I have.

Here’s the bad news. I’m very realistically going to have to put the writing of Demoness V on hold for awhile. In the two weeks that have passed since Demoness IV came out…it has not sold well. Like, at all. I was genuinely hoping that a lot more people would buy it and it would kind of revitalize my income, but that just has not happened. And as much as I loved writing Demoness IV, and as much as I’m actually REALLY looking forward to writing Demoness V…I can’t. Demoness IV took me almost four months to write, and was just over 100,000 words, making it the single longest thing I’ve ever written. It was just shy of being longer than fucking The Misty Vixen Starter Pack.

That just is NOT sustainable.

Honestly, it sent me into a despair-filled pit of depression and misery for a few days. Feeling like a complete failure and wondering if you actually do suck at writing after you’ve been writing for years is really hard to take. And admittedly, I still feel like a failure right now.

If people like MSE can pump out a generic, assembly-line piece every other week and make hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I work my ass off writing a novel in the same field and can’t even make more than a tiny, tiny fraction of that, then what does it say about me and my abilities?

But whatever, that’s not the point.

The point is, I realized that I was going to have to work on something a bit more relevant and something that I could produce more rapidly.

For a long time, I’ve tried to strike a balance between writing what I want to write, and writing what sells. Unfortunately, I think I’ve been leaning too hard into writing what I want to write recently, and Demoness now definitely counts as what I want to write, not what sells, even if I feel like it’s the best stuff I’ve ever produced. Apparently it isn’t, given the sales.

So instead I’m going to shift focus largely to Haven. It’s post-apocalyptic, it’s got zombies and monsters, action and some horror, and is going to feature a harem type scenario. I’m going to lean a little bit harder into the commercial aspects of it this time around.

The good news here is that once I actually got started planning Haven, a ton of ideas came spilling out and I’ve got this whole world and storyline set up. It’s largely about what I guess people would call ‘base-building’, in that it’s a small group of people struggling to survive and establishing a place to live in a dangerous world. Which really appeals to me, for whatever reason.

So, I’m really hoping this one will revitalize my career. January was decent, but February was brutal. My sales dropped by fucking half and that’s scaring the shit out of me. I’d love to just not fucking give a shit about bills and money but that’s not the reality we live in. I’m not some rich piece of shit who gets unlimited cash from their rich parents. I grew up poor, and stayed that way for a long time. For sure I’m doing better now than before, but my real fear is losing it. The idea of going back to that is…horrifying. Which I realize probably sounds pathetic and I should be just happy with where I’m at now, and I guess I would be, but yet again, I’d like to STAY where I’m at now.

I’m going to work hard on Haven and try to have it out by the beginning of April. On the one hand, that feels really ambitious, but on the other hand, I might be able to pull it off. Parasexual 3 went faster than I thought it would, and the Haven books aren’t going to be super long, maybe about as long as the Parasexual books have been so far. The whole point is to be able to write them and get them out quickly.

So…basically, wish me luck. Hopefully I’m just freaking out over nothing, and this is just a lull in my sales, and not the death knell of my career.

Oh yes, one more thing, Amazon basically forced me to take Valkyries off of the Kindle. I legit have no idea why. You can read about the whole sorry mess here. But the short of it is that I’ll have to put Valkyries up on other websites.

Apparently Amazon Hates the Valkyries Trilogy...

Oh holy fuck.

Allow me to shine a light on the flat out fucking ridiculous situation I’ve been dealing with since late December 2018.

So, first of all, I’m not convinced that the original problem I encountered has anything to do with everything that came after. Unfortunately, Amazon is so nebulous and opaque with regards to how they communicate LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYTHING, that I have no idea if this is true or not. I’ll provide information on what happened and theories.

This began at the end of last year, when I was finally wrapping up re-publishing my backlog. I published Valkyries 3, but it was blocked during the process. After some digging, I finally pieced together the problem. It’s one I’ve run into before, but one that always slips past my initial thought process, because it’s so fucking stupid.

The inciting incident of Valkyries 3 involves a woman coming to the Valkyries, (a team of mercenaries in a sci-fi setting for those who aren’t in the know), begging them for help after her brother was kidnapped by slavers at the edge of space. They decide to help, and end up going after the slavers. Given the importance of this, I put it in the plot description.

Unfortunately, because it was labeled as erotica, use of the word ‘brother’ in the official synopsis meant (I’m guessing but I feel about 100% confident in my guess, again, this is trial-and-error, not anything Amazon ACTUALLY told me), that it was auto-flagged. I tried publishing it again, removed the word brother and replaced it with ‘someone close to her’. It went through without a problem. Okay, problem solved.

But then, about a week later, it gets blocked again.

The official reason?


We’re contacting you regarding the following book:

Valkyries 3 by Misty Vixen

During our review process, we found that this content is in violation of our content guidelines. As a result, we cannot offer this book for sale. If we identify additional submissions with similar content that violates our guidelines you may lose access to optional KDP services and/or face account level actions up to and including termination.

You can find our content guidelines on the KDP website:

Best regards,

Amazon KDP

Now, as I’ve said, I’ve run into this before. But other times I at least had a clue as to what the problem was. The same day, I received the exact same message about the paperback version.

At this point, I was confused, as I had no idea what could be doing it. So I decided to roll the dice and reach out. This is where it gets to be a bit of a mess, with long, awkward pauses between responses, and basically just a loop of the exact same shit happening over and over again, so I’ll truncate it and highlight the important parts.

I first went through e-mail, then the phone. (For anyone wondering how in the FUCK I talked to Amazon on the phone, three things. First, they call you, you don’t call them. Second, the only possible way is to send them a message through the Contact Us form, specifically requesting a phone call. And even then, it’s no guarantee that they’ll do it. Third, don’t expect genuine help. The people on the other end range from robotic to sounding like they genuinely want to help, but the reality of the situation is that there’s an almost 100% chance they have no knowledge of how to solve your problem, nor do they have the power to solve your problem. Literally all they can do is ask the people in the other department who actually handle this shit to solve the problem, and those people are apparently assholes, as I’ll demonstrate in the following text.)

I think I talked on the phone SIX times over the past month and a half or so. The first few times, I spoke with whoever answered, explained the situation, and ultimately they told me they would get in touch with the Content Review Team, who are the ones actually doing this fucking shit, and try to get a straight answer out of them. The last few times, I escalated it, and spoke with someone from the next tier, basically a manager, and was told…basically the same thing.

The result? Always the same. I would receive a form letter from the Kindle Content Review Team that was an actual, literal copy-paste of the initial message. Sometimes I would get a simple message from the person I’d just gotten off the phone with, basically verifying that they were sending out their own message to the Content Review Team. When I got back my bullshit copy-paste response from the Content Review Team, I eventually e-mailed that initial person who had helped me over the phone, requesting further assistance, AS THE EXACT THING I HAD WARNED THEM WOULD HAPPEN DID IN FACT HAPPEN. (I specifically stated that I was tired of receiving a literally useless copy-paste response.)

What happened? I got a response to that initial email, only it was a DIFFERENT person responding, AND IT WAS ANOTHER COPY-PASTE OF THAT SAME FUCKING MESSAGE!

I feel like I’m in a fucking M. Night Shyamalan movie. Like, I’ll start seeing that fucking copy-paste response about violating content guidelines on billboards and the sides of buses and in my fucking dreams.

Well, then the situation got worse.

While at first it was initially contained to just Valkyries 3, it has since spread. Suddenly, I got a message that the Valkyries 1 paperback had been taken down for…copyright violations? This was actually the same reason the Valkyries 3 paperback was taken down…in addition to the content guidelines shit. Two completely separate issues.

Then I was informed that the Valkyries Trilogy, both eBook and paperback versions, were blocked.

It was like a fucking virus, and it was spreading.

The 17th of February was when I realized that Amazon has lost their shit.

I received take-down notices for the paperback & eBook versions of Valkyries: The Complete First Season, and Valkyries: The Complete Third Season. THOSE AREN’T EVEN FUCKING AVAILABLE ANYMORE!

So what IS the problem!?

Amazon literally won’t tell me. Like, they actually REFUSE to tell me what the problem is. I have no idea what it is, but I think it may lay somewhere within the actual text itself. I’ve been struggling for weeks, racking my brain trying to think of what could possibly be triggering their bots or algorithm or whatever fucking broken thing they’ve implemented. I’m almost positive at this point that it must be something actually within the story itself. It isn’t the title, nor the cover, nor the synopsis, because multiple titles have been taken down. Literally the only consistencies between the new versions and the old versions that have been blocked is the actual text within the book itself, everything else is different.

Initially, I thought it was something just in Valkyries 3, when both it and The Complete Trilogy got taken down, because whatever is in Valkyries 3, is obviously in The Complete Trilogy. I figured it was some word, some phrase that Amazon was picking up on. I have no idea WHAT, but it must be something. But then the mystery widened when Valkyries 1 got hit too. So it has to be some kind of recurring phrase or word. But what is it?!

I’ve thought and thought, and literally the only thing that comes to mind at all that Valkyries deals with that none of my other stories deals with is slavery. The protagonists are taking down slavers. I don’t understand why this is a bad thing, but there’s some stuff that if you pair with something labeled as erotica, no matter the context at all, it gets auto-banned. Maybe that’s just some new hot-button issue for them? But then that doesn’t make sense, because it isn’t brought up at all in Valkyries 1. So what the fuck?

The problem here is that I have no fucking clue. If they would just work with me and TELL ME what the fucking problem is, I’d be glad to work with them and try to fix it. If it’s just one phrase or something, you know? But I have no idea what it could possibly be. I’ve got nothing!

About two weeks ago, I sent a lengthy email to the Content Review Team basically pleading with them to help me out SOMEHOW. Well, as of today, not only have I not received even the basic response of another copy-paste, I HAVE RECEIVED NO RESPONSE AT ALL. Literally none. They never responded to the message.

Due to this, I’ve been forced to give up and just take down Valkyries 2. I have no idea what the problem is, Amazon refuses to tell me, so I’m going to instead be republishing the trilogy to other sites like Barnes & Nobles, Smashwords, Kobo, etc.

Goddamnit. Fuck Amazon.

Parasexual 3 Sneak Preview!

Hey everyone! Since we’re getting so close to the release of Parasexual 3 (I’m currently in that home-stretch, furiously writing part of the story) I figure it’s high time to share a preview! If you want to also see Chapter Two, you can do so over on Patreon right here for 1$/month! I hope you enjoy!


Alex sat back from his computer and stared at the screen for several moments.

He was looking at a word document with a dozen lines of text. Something so simple, in its own way, now represented one of the most important and momentous things he’d ever done with his life. He had just finished piecing together what would be his first album. It had taken almost two solid hours of sitting at his laptop, sorting through data, and mainly just thinking. Ever since coming to Thorne and beginning his relationship with Brianna, he’d been feeling a revitalization of his urge to create music. Or, he supposed, more accurately to what he’d been doing recently, create a music career. And he was finally acting on it.

After combing through the wasteland of his database that was his collective musical ‘career’, which wasn’t at all accurate, hobby was closer, he’d managed to find twenty seven different tracks that he didn’t hate, or thought could be salvaged. He was still a ways from actually launching the album, inasmuch as he could ‘launch’ anything, although Brianna and Aurora had said they knew people who could help him, but selecting the tracklist was a pretty big first step. And after a lot of deliberation, he thought he finally had it all worked out.

As for the rest of the tracks, he was more than likely going to offer them up as free content. Probably an ‘origins’ kind of album where you could pay what you wanted, and the rest as straight up free downloads from his website or something. Whenever he actually got a website. Alex still had a long way to go.

Now that that task was out of the way, he actually looked away from the screen and at the room he was in. Aurora’s front room was still taking time to actually get used to, because it was so fucking huge. It was practically the size of an actual apartment. It felt weird to be living here. Okay, well, temporarily crashing here more than living. Although they hadn’t actually set any kind of time limit how long they were going to be staying in Thorne. In Alex’s mind, there was some vague notion of another week, maybe another two, although he wasn’t committed to that. It could be less or more time. And Aurora hadn’t said anything beyond the fact that she was okay with them staying with her as long as they wanted.

He was beginning to get the idea that maybe Brianna might be looking to stick around Thorne a bit longer than that, though.

Like, maybe she wanted to move back here.

And that was making him kind of anxious. Could he live here? He liked Thorne. It was actually a lot of fun, a cool place to be, clearly there were a lot of interesting people and places. But could he do it? Did he have any real reason for not wanting to? Did he have any great connection to his home town? Technically, he didn’t have a home right now. Although he knew he could live with his parents and Brianna was going to let him move in, it did feel a little strange. He’d never been this untethered from society before.

He actually really liked it.

There was a sense of tremendous freedom, of nearly limitless potential. He could go anywhere and do anything. With Brianna’s repeated offers to spend whatever amounts of money on him he wanted, that was more true for him than most people, he imagined. In a way, it felt a little bit like a waste, because he didn’t really want to do a lot of crazy things. He had no urge to climb a mountain or jump out of a plane or explore some deep, dark caves. He actually didn’t want to do this things. But maybe there were some things he could explore.

Alex stood up and stretched, feeling his joints pop. Maybe it was time to track down the women in his life and see what they were up to. It had been a few days since they’d cleared out their hotel room, checked out, and moved their stuff to Aurora’s. Ever since getting settled, they’d been taking it pretty easy, mostly just lounging around the apartment, watching movies, playing games, ordering takeout, and having sex.

Oh the sex.

It was still pretty mind-blowing.

Even now he didn’t really have quite a handle on it, especially after that bachelorette party. (He still thought about Emma a lot.) In a way, he hadn’t really lost that feeling yet: waiting for the other shoe to drop. All this great shit was happening to him, when did the whammy come? When was the universe going to single him out and ensure that he paid for all this good fortune that had fallen into his lap? It was a ridiculous, paranoid thought, but still a thought he was having, nonetheless. So mainly he was just trying to take Brianna’s advice and enjoy the vacation, enjoy the sex, and enjoy the freedom he was experiencing.

Alex heard the women talking, their voices drifting out from the open bedroom door, and stood up, wondering if one or both of them might be up for a sex session. Again, he was struck by the notion that he could just casually ask for a threesome with two insanely attractive women, and he’d probably receive a yes. Both of them were so open to sex. He moved across the huge living room, glancing out the windows as he went. The sun was beginning to go down for the day. Nightfall was still at least a few hours off.

Maybe they should go somewhere and do something, he actually was starting to feel a little cooped up in here.

“Alex,” Brianna said as he stepped in, “I was just going to go fetch you. How’s everything going?”

Alex hesitated. She seemed...a little pensive. Both she and Aurora were relaxing in the bed together. “Fine. I just finished up what I had intended to do. Uh, what’s going on?”

“So...would you be okay if I left you with Aurora for about a day? Word has spread that I’m back in town and some of my friends want to see me. You can come with me if you want, I don’t mind at all, but I figured maybe you’d like some time with Aurora. She wants to get to know you a bit better, have some one-on-one time.”

He considered it, glancing at her. Aurora was looking back at him with a small smile. would be interesting to see what it would be like to spend time alone with Aurora. And he had the idea that maybe Brianna wanted to recapture some of that feeling of being on her own in Thorne, going around, doing whatever she wanted without having to check on him. It made him feel a little bit guilty, a little like he was baggage, but he pushed those thoughts away. He did believe her. And he wanted her to enjoy herself.

“That sounds fine,” he replied.

“You sure? I know I said this was going to be our vacation...”

“Brianna, I’ll be okay. I’ll call you if anything comes up. And I’m assuming that you trust Aurora,” he replied.

She laughed, some of the tension easing out of her. “Well...for the most part.”

“Oh fuck yourself,” Aurora replied. “Don’t worry, Alex, I know good and well how to make sure nothing bad happens to you. We’ll have a lot of fun together.” She grinned a little wider. “A lot of fun. I can promise you that.”

“Okay, then,” Brianna said. She stood up and quickly pulled on some jogging shorts and a t-shirt, then slipped into her shoes. Coming over to him, she gave him a long hug and kiss on the mouth. “Really do actually call me if anything comes up, okay?”

“I will,” he promised. “Go have fun.”

“All right. Later babe. Later, Aurora.”

“Have fun, Bri,” Aurora replied.

She stepped back, looked at him for a few seconds longer, then turned and walked out of the room. They listened to her leave the apartment. The front door opened and closed, and then it was just the two of them.

“So...” Aurora said, staring at him with her bloodshot eyes, “it looks like I’ve got you all to myself. I was really hoping this would happen. Not that I mind sharing you with Aurora, but there’s something deeply enjoyable about having some really intimate, one-on-one time. So how about you take off your clothes, and we have some sex?”

“That sounds really nice,” he replied.

Aurora herself was beneath the blankets, though from her bare shoulders he thought that she was at least topless. He desperately wanted to be under those blankets with her. Stripping down as fast as he could, he tripped and fell onto the bed.

“Wow, someone’s eager,” Aurora said, laughing.

“Are you honestly surprised?” he replied as he pulled the blankets back.

“I guess not. It’s appreciated,” she said.

She was indeed naked beneath the blankets, her pale, luscious body looking absolutely gorgeous and sent a jolting spark of raw, powerful lust shooting through him. He slid in beneath the blankets next to her, insinuating himself against her curvaceous body, staring at her beautiful face, unable to keep from smiling.

“You can’t fake anything, can you?” she asked, grinning back at him.

“What?” he replied, startled. That definitely wasn’t what he expected her to say.

“It’s just...your expressions are always just written all over your face. When you’re anxious, when you’re horny, when you’re cautious, when you’re sad. When you are just absolute enamored with someone. That one is really obvious, and I can see it when you’re with Brianna. She just amazes you, doesn’t she?”

“I mean, well...yeah. Of course she does.”

“I’m sorry if it seems like I’m teasing you. I’m not. I like it. I like how expressive you are. Paranormals...we tend to bury ourselves, our true selves, under snark or disinterest or cavalier attitudes. Especially around each other. There’s a lot of subtle social pressure. It’s why I like Brianna. She doesn’t have a lot of patience for that, and neither do I, honestly. And you’ve got this great blend of not hiding your emotions, and yet also knowing when to be chill and relaxed around us. I like it. I can really see why Bri likes you so much. But...enough about that. Right now, I have you all to myself, and I fully intend to take advantage of this fact.”

And then she leaned in and pressed her luscious red lips to his own, and he tasted her slightly sweet taste, and felt her press her body against his own. He kissed her back, resting a hand on one of her large, firm, pale breasts. As they continued making out and she parted his lips with hers, slipping her tongue smoothly into his mouth, he thought that something was a little different. There was an eagerness to her, but it was tempered slightly, her movements a bit slower, more deliberate. There was something more intimate about the encounter.

They twisted tongues together, dancing the dance of lust and desire, their hands roaming over each other’s bodies. He ran his hand down to the thick swell of her ass, grasping and groping it, his erection now fully and throbbing in desperate anticipation of the sex that was to come. After a little bit, she pulled back slightly, staring at him intently with a smile on her face. It was a different kind of smile than he’d normally seen on her.

“What?” he asked after a few seconds.

“Nothing, I just...” she reached up and ran her fingers affectionately through his hair. “You know, I have to you to myself now. I love Bri and I love wild sex with an audience, but there’s something a lot more intimate about sex with just two people and no one else involved. And we get to really have that now. There’s no one in this whole apartment but us. And I like you a lot, in case I haven’t gotten that across to you yet.”

“I kind of got the feeling,” he replied, though he felt some hesitation.

She must have read it on his face. “Feeling anxious about the higher levels of intimacy?”

“I mean...a little,” he admitted. “Brianna...”

“She won’t mind. I believe she encouraged this in you.” She paused, considering it. “How to explain this...intimacy between us isn’t just sex. There’s a lot to it, there’s a lot of levels to intimacy. Physical, emotional, spiritual...and we like to share all of it. Not with everyone. Most people, I’m just physically intimate with, and sometimes emotionally. You’re the first human guy I’ve felt like I can get really, deeply intimate with for quite awhile, and the fact that you’re dating Brianna really helps with that. But really don’t worry, she knows this is happening. She knows that you and I are almost certainly going to enter into a deeper relationship than just friends that fuck. I’d say...enjoy it. Enjoy this with me, Alex.”

He considered her words, the situation, and he thought she had a point. There were some instincts of his telling him to pull back, not to get that involved with her, but...more and more, he thought that he had been confusing instincts with fear for awhile now. He supposed his biggest concern was that he’d do something to make Brianna leave him, and his second biggest concern was that maybe he’d start falling for someone else. But he trusted Brianna and Aurora, he believed them when they told him this was okay, and he trusted that they would let him know well in advance if he was fucking up that badly. And falling for Aurora…

He didn’t know if it was impossible, he didn’t think so, but hadn’t Brianna brought up the possibility of a more intimate open relationship? He was certainly getting ahead of himself, but for now, Alex thought that maybe he should just give himself permission to enjoy this, to explore this more fully with Aurora.

“Okay,” he said.

“Good. Don’t worry, you’re safe with me, okay?” she replied.

“I believe you,” he said, and kissed her again.

He slid his hand slowly down to her thick thighs and she parted her legs for him. Aurora gasped as his fingertip found her clit, and he began to stimulate it, rub it gently. He massaged and caressed it, feeling the way her body responded to his touch and loving it. He must have been unlucky before meeting Brianna, or maybe he just wasn’t as skilled or it was just that the paranormal women were so much more sensitive, because he couldn’t quite seem to elicit responses like this from the human women he’d been with. Then again, Aurora was a vampire, her body definitely wasn’t as sensitive as Brianna’s.

How much did that actually affect her?

Whatever, the point was, he felt like he was seriously pleasuring her and she wasn’t just try to stroke his ego. He doubted Aurora would do that. Well, maybe she would, but he really believed that she wouldn’t, that if he was doing something wrong, she’d guide and instruct him. What they were doing now felt very natural, no fumbling or uncertainty at all.

“Oh yes...” she whispered as he slipped a finger into her. “Fuck, it’s time like these that I’m jealous of Brianna.”

“Why’s that?” he replied as he began fucking her with his finger.

She moaned. “Because...she’s a lot more sensitive than I am. Werewolf pussy might be the most sensitive pussy of all, especially when they’re in their beast form. I mean you’ve seen her when she’s like that, you’ve fucked her in that form. You know what it’s like, how easy it is to make her orgasm. As a vampire, I’m especially jealous.”

“I’m sorry,” he murmured, kissing her again and fingering her more intensely.

She gasped. “Don’t take this-ah!-as an indictment of your skills or anything. You’re doing just fine. And if I could just get my hands on some blood, I’d actually be a lot more sensitive. Some real blood, I mean, not the synthetic stuff.”

“I imagine that might be difficult. I remember you mentioning you have difficulties getting it if it isn’t a very, uh...personal encounter, I guess?”

She sighed heavily. “Yes, there is that. Not too many humans I trust nowadays to provide it.”

“Do you trust me?” he asked.

She stared at him for several seconds. “I do, I just...I’m still not sure how I feel about taking it from you. I mean...are you offering?”

He considered it. “I’m pretty sure I’d say yes if you asked,” he replied.

She gave him a look of intense desire, intense longing, then sighed and looked away. “No. It’s too early in the friendship and you’re hooked up with Bri, and it’’s too complicated right now. I need more time to consider it.”

“I understand,” he replied.

“ stopped fingering me.”

“Oh, sorry,” he said, and resumed rubbing her clit. She cried out. “Just, the conversation...”

“I get it...ah! Yes! Fuck!”

“Here...” he murmured, then kissed her for a bit longer, and then slipped down lower, pulling the blanket back. He started sucking on her huge, pale tits, licking across her perfect pink nipples. She moaned loudly as he pleasured her further still, more vigorously rubbing her clit, then fingering her harder, using two fingers this time. He kept this up until he’d given both of her breasts a lot of attention, and then he got up.

“Spread your legs,” he said.

“Oh my,” she replied, doing so, “I really like where this is going.”

“So do I,” he replied, and laid down between her very thick, well-padded, and pale thighs. They were absolutely beautiful thighs. And once he was in position, Alex began to tongue her clit, pleasuring her orally. She let out a long, slow, loud moan of sexual pleasure that was extremely gratifying to hear. He began licking faster, using more pressure, holding her beautiful thighs in his hands. His eyes kept being drawn to the full, bloody moon tattooed just above her pussy. He could feel his erection. It was almost painful, pressing against the mattress between his legs, throbbing in desperate need and agonizing anticipation.

He wanted to fuck her so badly.

“Oh fuck...” Aurora moaned a moment later. “Will you fuck me? Just fuck me now, I need it...” So apparently she was feeling much the same way.

“Yes,” he said, pulling his head from her crotch.

As he got atop her, she squeezed some lube into her hand and he straightened up, presenting his cock to her.

“Mmm, you are hard,” she said seductively as she rubbed his cock down.

“Extremely,” he agreed.

“You want this pussy bad, don’t you?” she asked. He nodded. “How bad?”

“Really bad,” he replied.

She finished rubbing him down and then opened her legs more. “Fuck it,” she said, “fuck my pussy good.”

He laid the head of his cock at the entrance of her pale pussy and slipped inside of her. They both moaned in unison, a sexual unity connecting them. Alex finished getting into position and rested on the heels of his palms, which laid on the pillow to either side of her head. He stared intently into her eyes as he pushed his way into her, slipping in easily with the aid of the lubricant. She felt wonderfully tight, and she was about the right temperature, given that she’d been laying in bed with a hot blooded werewolf for a few hours.

“I love fucking you so much,” she moaned as he started getting a steady rhythm going, penetrating her sweet vampire pussy over and over again.

“I really love fucking you too, Aurora,” he managed as the pleasure washed through him. That initial burst of intense rapturous bliss that came from the beginning of a fuck session that was both bareback and with a paranormal woman was something he was still getting used to. It was nearly overwhelming.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked after he closed his eyes for a few seconds.

“How to keep from coming too fast,” he replied.

She laughed. “So long as you make me come first, I don’t care how long you last right now.”

“That’s good to know.” He opened his eyes again, looked down at her big, pale tits, her luscious body, her tattoos. “Fuck,” he whispered.


“Fucking you is still like...unreal. Like fucking a porn star or a supermodel. I mean fuck, you are so insanely attractive, Aurora.”

“I’m glad you think so. You might get used to it, eventually.”

“I doubt it. And I hope not. I really like this feeling.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet. Ah! That’s the spot right there!” she moaned as he shifted slightly.

Alex kept pounding her pussy, going harder and faster now that he’d found the perfect position, and she shouted in response, moaning loudly. He felt the blanket lift from him as she brought her legs up into the air. Kicking free of it, she put her legs up and spread them out for several moments, and then wrapped them around his midsection. Reaching up, she grabbed him and pulled him down closer to her with an immense and easy strength. He still wasn’t used to how strong she and Brianna were. She could probably bench five hundred pounds easily.

He laid down against her, and she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him to her. He kissed her deeply on the mouth and she moaned in response, slipping her tongue into his own mouth, probing almost desperately for his tongue. He moved it forward and they met, once again twisting and twining, dancing the impassioned dance of furious lust. Alex was going even faster now, fucking her brains out, wanting to bring her to orgasm, to feel her writhing and twisting in intense erotic pleasure. Being a vampire, and an experienced one at that, he knew he’d have to do better, although she seemed to be seriously into the sex session right now.

He raised himself slightly and reached down between them. Aurora gasped as his thumb found her clit and then she cried out, her voice carrying quite well as he began to rub it. He started slow and hard, then started to go faster, stimulating it furiously.

“Oh yes! Fucking shit goddamnit fucking yes!” she screamed, almost growled. She bared her fangs at him and for a split second he thought she was going to bite him. It sent a wave of dark lust and excitement through him, but she didn’t, she just kept shouting incoherent curse words as he brought her closer and closer to the edge of climax.

And then she reached it, and he pushed her over into the abyss of orgasmic pleasure.

Oh fuck yes Alex!” she shrieked wildly, and her vagina began to clench around his cock, twitching madly, and he couldn’t hold back anymore either. He cried out, grunting and groaning as he started letting off inside of her, pumping her perfect, tight vampire pussy full of his seed. He spilled a lot of it, all of it coming out in hot spurts with each fresh contraction of bliss his cock performed. Both of them came and twisted and shouted together, the bliss pounding through their bodies, locked together in the wondrous rapture of sexual release.

And then they were finished coming, and they were simply coming down from the high of it all, and he was left gasping, collapsing bonelessly against her.

“Holy...shit...” he managed. “That was...really...intense.”

“Yes it was, my cute human fuck friend,” Aurora replied. She sounded sedate and happy and satisfied, and she began to run her fingertips across his bare, sweaty back. He shivered at her touch, as it sent waves of pleasure through him.

“You’re sensitive,” she whispered in his ear.

“Uh-huh,” he managed. “I really like that.”

“Then I’ll keep doing it.”

“Thank you.”

He laid there with her for another few moments, getting his breath back, naked and still inside of her, shivering in pleasure as she continued running her fingertips and sometimes her fingernails across his back. It was really a truly great feeling, very different from the sexual bliss he’d just enjoyed, but still exceptionally pleasurable.

Finally, the urge to shower overtook him, and he carefully pulled his cock from her, then rolled over and stood up.

“You’ve got a cute butt,” Aurora said, laying on her side, studying him.

“Thanks. You’ve got a fucking amazing one,” he replied.

She laughed. “I know. So does Brianna, good lord.”

“Oh yes,” he agreed, “her ass is amazing.”

Aurora got up and joined him as he slipped into the bathroom and started up the shower. Once it was a good temperature, they got in and began washing up.

“So...feel free to say no to this, but I was thinking: wanna go to a rave with me tonight?” Aurora asked after washing her blood-red hair.

“I...” He considered it for a moment, remembering that she’d brought it up earlier. She seemed to have been joking then, but now she seemed serious. “Would it be safe, I mean?”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t take you anywhere dangerous, Alex. Let me break it down. There’s different levels of raves, and different kinds of them, in Thorne. And honestly I’m using ‘rave’ as a broad term here. A lot of different kinds of musical gatherings kind of fall under that umbrella for me. I just like the word. But basically it’d be a warehouse with some cool techno music playing, a dance floor, open bar, hot chicks with glow sticks, and it’s a mixer of paranormals and humans. I know the people that run it, it’s a legit place, a good place to just have fun. Plus...” she grinned and put her hands up behind her head, then thrust her bare, wet breasts at him, striking a pose. “I can be your hot rave chick. Bet you’ve never had someone like me make an offer like that before.”

“You’d win that bet,” he replied, staring at her big, pale breasts, and at the big dark skull tattoo between them. “You know what? Yeah. Let’s do it.”

“Sweet!” She stepped forward and wrapped him in a hug, then kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry, you’ll love it. And if you don’t, we can just come back here and relax, or maybe go somewhere else a little quieter. And hey, who knows? Maybe you’ll meet a really hot paranormal chick and get laid.”

“I’ve already done that,” he replied, because he wasn’t sure what else to say.

She rolled her eyes and stepped back. “Come on, you’re telling me you’ve had your fill of paranormal sex?”

“No. I don’t think I ever will.”

“Exactly. So, wash up, then we’ll get dressed, grab a bite to eat, and I’ll take us to the rave scene. You’ll have fun and I’ll probably find a hot paranormal girl to bring home and we can have a fucking amazing threesome.”

“That does sound really, really good,” he replied, and he began to wash up.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (February 2019)

Hello, everyone!

January was a little bit of a mess, but not too much actually went wrong. Mainly it just kind of kicked my ass by draining my energy. I don’t do well in winter, and January is always the worst month. Despite that, I kept trying to push through and get work done. So let’s talk about where we’re at with my projects.

DEMONESS IV. I’m sorry it’s not ready yet! I had intended for it to be, but again, January kicked my ass. The good news is that I’m almost done! I have two, possibly three, more chapters to write. One of those chapters is about halfway done, and one of those chapters is an epilogue, which won’t take too long. Once that’s finished, I’m hoping that the editing process will go pretty fast, and then the cover art, which is, ideally, almost finished. And then it’ll go up!

PARASEXUAL 3. Part of what made Demoness IV take a little longer is that I’ve been ramping down writing of it while ramping up writing for Parasexual 3. My writing focus was 75% Demoness IV, 25% Parasexual 3, and more recently it’s been half and half, where it will remain until Demoness IV is finished. I’m hoping for a late February release for Parasexual 3, but we’ll see on that. Part of what kept me from starting it sooner was, admittedly, fear.

Typically, the only thing that really keeps me from doing something is fear. Big fear and small fear. Most people say procrastination keeps them from writing, which is very true in my case, but the only reason I procrastinate is because of fear. Mainly, it’s when I’m afraid of not being able to do a good enough job writing a certain scene. If I’m not sure about a project from the beginning, then this can be worse. But, the good news here is that I’ve pushed past the intro of Parasexual 3 and with production of it ramping up even more as Demoness IV comes to a close, I’ll hopefully be able to make decently quick work of it. And, on top of that, now that I’ve actually started writing it, I feel a lot better about it as a whole. The first few chapters are coming out better than I had hoped.

And after that?

Well, I’ll be getting to work on a mini-series of short stories that takes place in between Demoness IV & V. I’ll write those over the course of about a month or so probably, releasing them to my website for free as I finish each one, and then taking them down and posting the whole thing as a single collection for Kindle once they’re done. Then I’ll probably take a short break from Demoness. If I haven’t yet finished up Parasexual 3, I’ll do so during this break and begin work on Parasexual 4, and probably take some time to begin real preliminary work on Haven.

Also, one more thing, for the first time since I launched it, all of the pictures in my Naked Ladies section are available!

Thank you for reading my stories!

Demoness IV - Chapter I Preview

Hello! To kick off the new year, I’ve decided to make a little change. I will now be showing off free previews of my in-progress titles by posting the first chapter here to my website.

I really hope you enjoy it. Please note that it has not yet been edited, so you’re reading the raw writing. If you see any mistakes or spelling errors or anything, I’d appreciate it if you would let me know!

“Okay John, you can come in now,” Kesley said, her voice muffled from behind the closed door he was staring at.

“Coming,” he said as he moved forward eagerly.

Kesley had come to get him from his and Yelena’s bedroom just a few minutes ago and told him that she had a surprise. Well, that Yelena had a surprise for him, really. He had an idea of what it might be, and as he twisted the knob and opened the door, he saw that he was right. Even though he was expecting it, what he saw was still a bit of a shock.

In the middle of a large, mostly empty room with earthen and rock walls stood a woman he and Yelena had once met in their travels several months ago and had a quick, but extremely satisfying, fling with. Tanis, a very beautiful redheaded elf. She was nude and looked spectacular. Except he wasn’t actually looking at Tanis.

“Holy shit,” he said.

Yelena laughed. It was odd to hear Yelena’s voice coming out of Tanis’s mouth. “So, I take it my transformation was successful?”

“Yes. Very successful. You look just like her,” he murmured, staring intently at her, (and also remembering that he really, really wanted to meet and fuck Tanis again someday). “I mean,! If I didn’t know, I’d have no idea that you were a demon.”

“Good. That is the idea,” Yelena said.

She closed her eyes, her face and body relaxing, and suddenly she began to change. She grew in height, filling out a bit more, her skin darkening from very pale to her natural reddish-brown color. Her hair went from red to black and lengthened a bit. Her feet morphed back into polished black hooves. When she opened her eyes, they were a flickering fiery red.

“I do believe I have taught you well,” Kesley said.

John glanced over at their benevolent hostess. He had never entirely gotten used to the fact that he was living with a dragoness. Let alone one who spent most of her time nude. He’d only ever seen her natural size once, when she’d shown him and Yelena and transformed into a thirty or so foot dragon with huge wings and an enormous tail. But she’d explained afterward that when she was at home, she largely had gotten used to her other state: an eight-foot dragon woman with very shapely curves and large breasts and beautiful scaly skin.

“You have,” Yelena agreed.

“You really have,” John said. “I honestly thought it would take longer. Not that I didn’t think you could do it, but more that I thought shape-shifting was a lot more complex.”

“Oh, it is,” Kesley said. “But Yelena is very magical by nature, and has an incredible discipline to her, and has spent decades and decades practicing magic. Plus, she already knew a little bit of it, so we were able to skip the basics and get to work on the harder stuff. Six months is a very short time to be able to do this.”

“Has it been six months?” Yelena asked, she stretched and popped a few of her joints. Behind her, her tail swayed gently. “It feels like longer.”

“It does,” John agreed.

“I’m afraid it’s been six months since you first arrived on my doorstep, half-frozen and bedraggled,” Kesley replied. She paused, looking first at Yelena, then at John, her lips pursed, as though considering something. “I’ve taught you pretty much all you need to know to transform into another person. You’ll have to practice to build up your endurance, because it takes focus and energy, but you can reliably do it. I would offer to take it to the next level, but I get the feeling that you two are very eager to get on with your lives. Am I right?”

John looked at Yelena. “Yes,” she said, locking eyes with him. “I know I am, and I’m fairly positive that John is even more desperate than I to get back out into the world. Especially now that this world’s accursed winter has lifted and spring is upon us...right?”

“Well, it should be that way,” Kesley said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if some more heavy snowstorms hit us, but yes, you should be able to enjoy spring now.”

“Excellent. My love? Would you like to depart?” Yelena asked.

“Yes. I really, really would like that,” John replied, then looked over at Kesley suddenly. “Um...not that you’ve been a bad hostess or anything. I’ve greatly enjoyed your company, Kesley, it’s just...”

“You are eager to resume your nomadic lifestyle. Don’t worry, John, I completely understand. And thank you for your kind words. I definitely understand that desire of wanderlust. Given that it’s almost nighttime now, I imagine you’ll want to wait until tomorrow to leave?”

“Yes,” Yelena said. “We’ll need time to pack.”

“Good! In that case, I have something I wish to offer you. Both of you,” she said.

“What’s that?” John replied.

Kesley’s smile changed, going from pleasant and kind to kind of sultry. “I know that both of you, especially you John, have been wanting to have sex with me since you first got here. For which I am grateful. The reason I haven’t approached either of you is because in my older age I find that I’ve been hitting dry spells where I’m just not horny. I had been about a month into one of them when you two showed up. But my dry spell ended a few days ago and I find that I am very turned on and very into the idea of having sex with both of you. So what do you say? If you’d like, we can go back into my chambers and make love.”

“Emphatically yes,” John replied immediately.

Yelena laughed. “Yes, Kesley, that would make me very happy. I’ll go get my toy. I’ve been wanting to use it on you very badly.”

“All right. Come on, John,” Kesley said, turning and heading out of the room.

John and Yelena quickly followed after her. Yelena broke left, heading for their shared bedroom, while he moved right, following Kesley through the main chamber of her home. It was admittedly very strange to live for almost half a year with a dragoness in a cave at the top of a mountain, but not in a bad way. Especially considering that Kesley had spent years, if not decades, (or longer even), making it into a warm, comfortable, inviting home.

He studied Kesley as she led him into her bedroom, through about a nine foot tall door. He realized that she seemed a little bit shorter than normal. He guessed that for most of their time spent together, she was about eight feet tall, but she looked closer to seven feet now. Well, however she felt comfortable fucking.

Her bedroom was a large place, mainly dominated by an enormous sunken tub and probably the biggest bed he’d ever seen before. Kesley turned around and looked at him intently, standing at the foot of the bed. She was intimidating and beautiful. Her skin was somewhere in between that of a beryl and a serpentine, almost totally black and smooth, with the tiniest hints of green mixed in. She had pleasantly thick thighs and very broad, smooth hips. And a big ass, from what he had seen when she walked in front of him, given that she almost always walked around nude. And she had some very large, shapely breasts.

Her eyes were somewhat like Yelena’s, they burned red with a hint of yellow, and twin horns rose from her forehead. Behind her, her wings were folded. They were very beautiful and had a black-and-red coloring to them.

“Are you eager?” she asked, hands on her big hips.

“Extremely,” he replied.

“I thought as such. I can sense sexual energy, you know. You’ve managed quite admirably, I must say. I thought that at least you would proposition me.”

“Well, I mean...”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m glad you didn’t, because I didn’t want to have to turn you down. I wasn’t even sure if my dry spell would last beyond our time together. Maybe Bliss is smiling on me. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time. Anyway, this works out just fine. We get to enjoy sex together, and you get to resume your life tomorrow...take off your clothes,” she said.

John just nodded and started stripping down. By the time he was finished, Yelena walked into the room holding the magical strap-on sex toy that their dryad friends had crafted for her as a gift last year. She looked first at Kesley, then at him as she came to stand beside him.

“Wow,” she murmured, still staring at him.

“What?” he replied, glancing down at himself.

“I am really noticing how much you’ve changed since we first arrived here. You’ve always been in good shape, but there is much more definition now.”

“Yes,” Kesley said, “I’d say you put on about fifteen pounds of muscle, maybe more. You look extremely handsome.”

“I, uh...thanks,” he replied. About a week or two after they had arrived and Yelena had begun her training, John had decided that it wouldn’t do for him to just sit around doing nothing. For his health and his sanity. So he’d started seriously working out. His life of activity, especially since meeting Yelena, (activity in many different forms), had kept him decently fit, but even he could see it looking down at himself: he was easily in the best shape of his life. And yet...something was bothering him. Something had been bothering him for a few weeks now, but he couldn’t really put his finger on it. He pushed the vague feelings of discomfort aside and instead focused on the two exotic, exceptionally attractive naked women near him.

“How shall we do this?” Yelena asked.

“Could I go first?” he replied. “I really want to have sex with you, Kesley.”

“I’m okay with that,” Kesley said.

“Yes, love, you can go first,” Yelena said with a grin. “I will enjoy watching.”

“Come on.” Kesley got onto her bed and he eagerly clambered up there as well. He wondered how this was going to work as Kesley laid down her side and beckoned him closer. Well, probably just like every other encounter he’d had so far. He’d had sex with a woman taller than Kesley before and it had worked out.

He laid down beside her, staring at her reptilian face, into her fiery eyes. She was beautiful in an alien and dangerous kind of way.

“Kiss me,” she said, and he did, leaning in and pressing his lips to her smooth, dark lips.

She moaned softly and ran her hand across his body. He felt her tongue slide smoothly into his mouth, twisting with his own, and her taste came as well. It was a smoky taste, a strange one, but not a bad one. More exotic than weird. Wondrous. He laid a hand across one of her huge breasts. An expression people liked to use about women with big breasts were how they were bigger than their head. Often, it was an exaggeration, but with Kesley, it was true. They were huge. And they felt amazing to touch.

And she was a very good kisser.

He had no idea how old she was, but some hints she’d dropped seemed to indicate that she might be a thousand years old, maybe even older. How long did dragons live? He had no idea, but he figured it gave her a lot of time to practice kissing and sex and other things. Suddenly, she broke the kiss and opened her eyes back up.

“Something wrong?” he asked.

“I’m afraid that, ah...I don’t want to wait any longer. I very much want you inside of me,” she replied.

“That horny, huh?” he asked.

“Yes. That horny.”

“I’ll be happy to obliged.”

As he got up and then settled in between her massive thighs, Kesley beckoned to Yelena, who crawled onto the bed with sensuous, languid movements. “Kiss me. Touch me, Yelena,” Kesley said as Yelena drew closer.

“Gladly,” Yelena replied.

As John rested his rigid cock, which was absolutely throbbing with anticipation now and felt as hard as tempered steel, at the entrance of her dragoness pussy, Yelena got up against her and began to passionately kiss Kesley.

Both women moaned, and Kesley moaned louder, as they began to make out and John slipped his dick inside of her. A loud, intense groan of pleasure escaped him as he penetrated her. Dragon pussy felt simply fucking beyond amazing. She was actually a little bit hotter inside than Yelena was, he could feel that fucking heat coming off of her pussy. She wasn’t quite wet so much as she was slick. It was an odd feeling, and the texture of her vagina was bizarre but it felt so godsdamned good! It was somewhat like having sex with his beryl friend Elise, and also a little bit like making love with Brynne, his serpentine lover.

And yet different than both in a way he couldn’t properly articulate.

John stared going harder and settled into a good, smooth rhythm. He’d been fantasizing about this for the last six months straight, pretty much, and now he was living it. Her huge breasts bounced and jiggled as he fucked her, pounding her sweet, incredibly tight dragon vagina. She knew shape-shifting, which meant she had a lot of control over her pussy, like Morgan Yelena now did. She’d been doing some really fun things in bed with her pussy recently that she said would become part of their usual sex sessions.

Something he was very much looking forward to.

Watching the love of his life kiss Kesley as he drove furiously into her just made the whole thing that much more erotic and stimulating. His entire body seemed to pulse with lust. He’d had sex today, first thing in the morning when he and Yelena had woken up. (Okay, when Yelena had woken up and then roused him for sex since she needed less sleep than he did.) But it felt like he hadn’t fucked in too long now that he was finally getting to make love with Kesley.

“That is wonderful, John,” Kesley moaned as Yelena began licking across one of her huge breasts while groping the other one.

“You feel pretty fucking great yourself, Kesley,” he panted as his cock throbbed in absolute pleasure from being inside of her, from thrusting into her over and over again, from feeling all that hot, wet perfection.

“Do not take too long, I very badly want my turn,” Yelena complained.

“I guess that’s fair,” he replied. “Although you’ll definitely need to wash up when I’m done, because this is going to be a huge load.”

“Good,” Kesley murmured. “I like that.”

That just made him even more turned on. He looked down at her body, her wonderful, curvaceous dragon body, enjoying ever second of their encounter, every sensation. Loved seeing her scaly skin and her huge breasts that Yelena seemed obsessed with, touching and groping and licking and sucking on them. Loved seeing her enormous, thick thighs. He ran his hands over them, then settled them on her huge hips. She was easily three times as wide as he was. Making love to her was unreal.

Even though he’d been building up a lot of endurance lately, John realized that it was still very easy to come before too long. Some of his sex sessions with Yelena had been pushing up to an hour some nights because they were both so fit and horny and wanted to try a lot of different positions. But he wasn’t even going to make it ten minutes this fuck session because endurance tended to crumble when you were faced with factors like having sex with a new woman, with a woman of a different species, with a fucking dragoness, and a damned shape-shifted that could make her pussy do all sorts of wonderful things.

Even now he felt her vaginal muscles coiling and clenching and sliding around his cock, squeezing and milking and massaging it, and he knew she was trying to make him come. He lasted maybe another ten seconds, then he let out a guttural sound of primal bliss as he that wonderful sensation of the orgasm, the climax, the release of his seed in a burst of absolute pleasure. He started coming inside of Kesley, emptying himself, his cock jerking violently as he felt a tsunami of pleasure wash through him.

Each time another spurt of his seed sprayed out of him, a fresh pulse of rapturous ecstasy flowed out from his core, filling him.

He felt his body going rigid, his hips jerking in automatic response to the orgasm, thrusting his cock deeper into her each time a contraction of release hit him, making Kesley cry out. It was a very good, very satisfying orgasm.

When he was finished, John stayed inside of her for a few seconds, resting on his hands and knees now, trying to get his breath back. Slowly, he raised his head and found both women looking at him. Kesley had a sedate smile on her face.

“I’ve still got it,” she said.

“What?” he replied, and slowly pulled out of her.

“The ability to make men have very intense, powerful orgasms.”

“Oh. Yeah. I doubt you’re ever going to lose that, Kesley.”

She laughed. “It’d be nice to think so. Although it will be a long time, I think. were right. That is a lot. And that’s saying something for me. Let me wash, and then Yelena, you may enjoy my body.”

“Hurry,” Yelena replied. “I really need it.”

“Oh yes ma’am,” Kesley replied with happy sarcasm as she got up. “She’s kind of bossy, huh?” she asked John as he got up slowly to join her.

Nothing quite like a good soak in hot water after hard sex.

“She can be,” he replied. “Although she really likes me bossing her around.”

“I know. I’ve heard you screaming at her,” Kesley said, settling down into the steaming water.

“Oh...I thought the walls were a little more, uh, soundproof,” John murmured as he did so as well, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“I have good hearing,” Kesley replied. “And it seems to me that Yelena is never going to learn.”

“What do you mean?” Yelena asked, amused.

“I can’t tell you how many times he’s told you how bad you are, how you need to be taught a lesson. You never seem to learn that lesson,” Kesley said, grinning.

“I guess I just need more punishment,” Yelena replied.

“I guess you do,” Kesley agreed.

“She definitely does,” John said. “Honestly, I think you’re right. She’ll never learn. But that’s fine by me.”

Yelena laughed. “I guess we’ll have to keep finding out.”

While he and Kesley washed up, Yelena got the magical sex toy pulled on over her hips. John was quick to finish up, since he was quite eager to see the two women go at each other. Although she didn’t move quite as fast as he did, he got the notion that Kesley felt the same way, given that the normally calm and reserved dragoness was moving more quickly than she normally did. As soon as they were both washed up, the pair got out and dried off, then moved back over to the bed. John sat on the edge and watched as Kesley moved back to her previous position. Yelena waited for her, a hungry look on her face.

“How would you like me, Yelena?” Kesley asked.

“On your hands and knees,” Yelena replied immediately.

Kesley responded by doing just that, getting up onto her hands and knees, showing Yelena her big ass and tail. She got up against her, resting a hand on her scaly tail and running it slowly up and down as, with her other hand, she guided the fake cock into Kesley’s pussy. Yelena gasped softly as she made contact and pushed her way inside. Her tail twitched and she reached out and grasped Kesley’s broad hips as the pleasure hit her. John stared intently, feeling his erection coming back again already. Well, Yelena would no doubt want to be fucked again, given her large sexual appetite, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

“Oh yes, Yelena...” Kesley moaned.

She unfolded her wings, stretching them up as Yelena began making love to her. She was breathing more heavily now, panting almost, as she thrust repeatedly into Kesley’s pussy. Now they could both say that they’d had sex with a dragoness, something probably very few other beings on this planet could claim with truth.

“ feel so pleasurable...” Yelena moaned softly.

“You feel pretty great too,” Kesley replied, then moaned loudly.

Both women kept going, Kesley pushing her big ass up against Yelena, both of their tails twitching and swishing back and forth. Both women moaned and writhed in bliss as they made love, and they kept going at it, Yelena putting her powerful thighs and hips to good use, until each of them enjoyed a powerful orgasm.

It was quite a sight to watch.

When they were finished, all three of them slipped into the water again.

“Kesley,” Yelena said.


“I feel like we should repay you, somehow. You’ve housed us for months, fed us, kept us entertained, and trained me a great deal. It was a significant investment of time and resources,” she said, and John thought that she had a point.

He’d been thinking something similar.

Kesley just smiled. “Honestly, Yelena? I’m just happy for the company. And to be able to pass this knowledge on. Plus, the sex was good. But...I don’t know. I can’t really think of anything. If I think of something, I’ll let you know. For now though? You can repay me by going out there and helping people. Going out into the world and enjoying yourselves. Live a good life. You two are something special. There are a lot of lovers out there, some for life, some casual, but a love like what you two have is very rare. I have lived for a very long time, and have only encountered a relationship such as yours a handful of times.”

“I think we can manage being happy,” Yelena said, looking at John. Under the water, he felt her brush against his leg with her tail.

“Yes,” he agreed. “But, Kesley, in the unlikely event that you ever need our help, please don’t hesitate to find us, wherever we are.”

“Thank you. I appreciate the offer. And I will. I don’t think I will, but...” she paused, frowning suddenly, “sometimes I feel like something is on the horizon. Something big.”

“What do you mean?” Yelena asked, sitting up straighter. “What is on the horizon?”

Kesley sighed. “I don’t know. Live as long as I have, and you get to see a world-changing event every now and then. Cataclysms, world wars, evil ancient entities threatening to rise to power again. I’ve taken part in my share of wars when I thought it was necessary, when the natural order of things was threatened. We haven’t seen something like that, something world-changing, for a long time. Centuries, at least. But I don’t know. I feel like maybe something is coming.” She fell silent for several more seconds, then shook her head and offered a small laugh. “Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe I’m just getting old. But if something like that does happen, I have no doubt that I can count you among my allies in the fight for Good.”

“I don’t either,” John said, though Yelena hesitated, a thoughtful look on her face.

“A fight for Good,” she murmured. “For most of my life, I was convinced that I would never be accepted by any save for a handful of horny and adventurous souls, and even then tolerated more than accepted. And yet, since I have arrived here and fallen in love, I’ve been told by many that Bliss smiles upon me, that Vivian Herself favors me. I have fought evil and darkness. I have made friends. Real friends that I would trust with my life. I guess...hearing you say this, that you would trust me in a fight for what is right, it really underlines all of these experiences.”

“You are a good person, Yelena,” Kesley said firmly. “From what I can tell, you stand for what is right. You stand for empathy. For peace. For trust. You stand against evil, in its many forms.”

“She’s right,” John said, taking her hand. “You are a good person, Yelena.”

She sighed. “I like to believe this. It’s just that...I have done many bad things. I have killed so many. I have performed torture on my enemies. Not because they were evil, thought that is what we were led to believe, but because they were not the same as I. I...I don’t know if...”

“Yelena,” Kesley said, and she looked up, and John realized suddenly that she was close to crying. He wrapped an arm around her, holding her closed to him, and she squeezed his hand and sniffed.

“Yes?” she asked softly.

“I know your struggle. I do. I...have done things I am not proud. Things that I would everything to take back. I don’t want to talk about them, as much as I’m sure you don’t want to talk about what you’ve done. It hurts. I know that it hurts. Bad deeds are like a poison you will always carry with you. A stain on your soul, a scar on your spirit. Some people can at least try to make it right, but many of us can’t. I can’t. Those I have wrong are long dead at this point. As are their children, and their children’s children. I imagine those you wronged are similarly out of your reach.”

Yelena nodded. “They are.”

“Then it is my belief that all you can do is to no longer commit evil deeds, and to try to make the lives of those around you better. Remove darkness, add light. You are incredibly skilled at combat Yelena. Use those abilities to fight evil. To stop those who would visit pain and suffering on the innocent. And, with regards to your past, lay it to rest, Yelena. I know it may take time, a long time, but eventually you will have to forgive yourself for what you have done. You can’t escape your past, but you can at least make peace with it. Do you understand?”

“I...think so,” Yelena said softly. “Thank you, Kesley. That helped.”

“I am glad. As I said, you are a good person, Yelena. You deserve to be happy.”

She laughed, sniffed again, wiped at her eyes. “Well, deserve or not, I at least am happy most of the time. I have you,” she said, and kissed John firmly on the mouth.

“And I have you, Yelena,” he replied. “If you ever need to talk about this, or anything, please come to me. I want to help you.”

“I know. I know you do. I’m sorry I didn’t bring it up earlier to you. I know we talk so rarely about it. I’s a problem that has no easy solution, and I hate burdening you with such problems. I have seen you get into bad moods. Something with make you sad, something that I can’t fight, I can’t explain away, I can’t just...fix. It hurts. I know you do not want that for me, but it hurts to see you suffer when I have no way of fixing it. And that is exactly what my problems are: suffering with no easy solution, no fix.”

“I can appreciate that,” John replied. “But part of a relationship is that you share burdens. You share suffering.”

“Yes...I am learning that. That is not true where I came from. To reveal that you are suffering, either emotionally or physically, even to an was potentially dangerous. Every ally eventually turns on you in my realm, and if they know your weak points, it makes it that much easier to take you down.”

“I really hate your realm,” John muttered.

“So do I. I like this much better,” Yelena said.

“It is pretty great, sometimes,” Kesley agreed. “Now, how about we wash up and you two can help me cook up a big goodbye dinner?”

“Does it have to be goodbye?” Yelena asked. “Goodbyes are sad.”

“They are,” Kesley said. “How about a ‘farewell for now’ dinner?”

“That is much better,” Yelena replied.

“Then that’s what we’ll do.”

“Is this everything?” John asked, looking at the pair of backpacks sitting at the foot of the bed he’d been sleeping in for almost half a year now. It was weird, thinking about that. In some ways, it felt like they had been here for a lot longer than that. But on the other still oddly felt like the events that had chased them across the continent had happened just a few weeks ago. Time was really fucking weird.

“I believe so,” Yelena replied, doing one more scan of their bedroom.

John decided to join her. If they left something behind, it wasn’t like it was gone forever. Kesley would keep it safe for them. Plus, they could just come back and get it.

Last night had been a great night. They’d made a big meal and had chatted for hours, long into the night. After that, he and Yelena had gone to bed, had a great round of happy sex, and had gone to sleep. After waking up, they’d fucked again in the bathtub, as was their usual routine at this point, and begun the process of packing.

It was time to leave.

It was time to get back to their life, to continue this wonderful journey that was their relationship. To move on to new territories. It was something that they still weren’t sure about, and for now they only had vague notions of exploring the northern portion of the current continent they were on. Kesley told them that although a lot of it was just bleak wilderness, there were definitely a lot of interesting places to see and visit.

“Yes, this is everything,” Yelena finally concluded.

“Great. Let’s go say goodbye to Kesley then,” he replied.

They picked up their packs and pulled them on, then, after taking one last look around the bedroom they’d spent so much time in, they left it. Kesley was in her usual spot in the main chamber: an enormous chair meant to hold her large frame beside a fireplace that held a magical flame. She smiled as they approached her.

“I’m very glad to have met the two of you,” she said, standing up and giving them both a hug. “And-” She paused suddenly, tilting her head. “Someone is coming into my cave.”

John placed a hand on his sword’s hilt and turned around. He hadn’t heard anything, and neither had Yelena apparently, but Kesley was a dragoness. “No,” she said after a few seconds, placing a hand on his shoulder, “it’s okay. A friend is coming. You’ll like her.”

“Who is she?” Yelena asked.

“An adventuress.”

Before long, they began to hear footfalls. Then a female voice called out. “Kesley! You still in there!?”

“I’m here, Fiona,” Kesley replied.

“How’d you know it was me?”

“Smell. I remember all the smells of my friends.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“I didn’t say it was a bad smell.”

“Should I hide my appearance?” Yelena asked uncertainly.

“No. She won’t mind...I have company, Fiona.”

The footsteps drew close enough that the latest arrival, Fiona, finally appeared around the corner of the entrance/exit tunnel. She paused there, looking at the three of them, a look of surprise on her face. “Well...that you do. Hello, I’m Fiona.”

“John,” John said, studying her.


“Pleased to meet you.” She kept walking closer.

Fiona was, as far as John could remember, the first kit he had ever seen in his entire life. He’d seen drawings and paintings of them, heard stories about them, but he had never actually seen one in the flesh. Or maybe in the fur was more appropriate. In the same way that felis were a cross between a cat and a human, and beryl were like a cross between a lizard and a human, a kit was a cross between a fox and a human.

This particular kit definitely resembled an adventuress. She had on leather armor, though it lacked the modifications he normally saw for cold weather environments. Which made enough sense, given that she had fur. She had a pack on her back, a sword on her hip, and a bow and quiver of arrows peeking over her shoulder. She regarded them with bright green eyes that seemed somehow playful and had an easy smile.

She was also tremendously attractive.

Yelena thought so too. Her tail was twitching against him now.

“What brings you back to my home and continent, Fiona?” Kesley asked as she walked forward to greet her. “Last I remember you were visiting the far elf homelands.”

Kesley wrapped her in a hug and picked her up, then set her back down. “I was there for awhile. Got tired of it. Went to Cypress for awhile. Had a lot of fun there. Kicked my way up and down Tomontica after that. Finally wound up back here. As for why I’m back here...well, I had an idea. And I wanted your help.”

“I’m always willing to help you, Fiona. Sit with me. With us, if you don’t mind.”

“I don’ two are adventurers, aren’t you?” she asked, sizing them up.

“Yes,” Yelena replied. “We are.”

“Maybe you can help me.” They all sat down around the fireplace. “So, I’ll cut to the chase. I’m a little anxious to get started. This whole region north of the mountains is shit. Lots of miserable people. No real infrastructure. Lots of dangerous creatures around, unsafe travel conditions, bad paths, all sorts of shit. I want to fix that.”

John raised his eyebrows. “You do? That’s quite the task.”

“Yes it is,” Fiona replied almost eagerly. “It’ll take years and a lot of effort, but the thing is, I’ve been thinking about that precise question for almost a year now. And I have a plan. I’ve been doing research, figuring shit out, walking all over this damned place for the past four months or so. Getting to know the land and the people. There’s this old mine near the middle of the region, long abandoned, a platinum mine. Good stuff, rare stuff, platinum. At least around here. I want to get the mine up and running again, and the town around it rebuilt. It can serve as a hub, a waystation for weary travelers, a trading outpost, a place of safety. I think it could be the central support beam for the whole region. Obviously it would take a long, long time, but I think this might just be a way to kindle the first few sparks of the fire that will make this region more inhabitable, safer.”

“People have tried this before,” Kesley pointed out.

“Yes. Yes they have. I’ve looked into some of those. Some failed due to bad luck. Some failed due to corruption. Some people just gave up. I can do this, though. With the right people, I can do this. And I think I’ve found the right people, Kesley,” Fiona replied.

“And you want me to help? I’m flattered, and I will if you ask me to, but I do think that my help might be more of a hindrance than anything else. I’m afraid I have a bit of a reputation in the area. People tend to be scared of dragons. But...” She looked over at John and Yelena. “Last night, you mentioned you wanted a way to repay me...”

John looked at Yelena, then at Fiona. “You want us to help her?”

“Yes,” Kesley replied. “She’s a good person. She’s honest. This is a good cause.”

“” he asked, looking over at Yelena.

“I am willing,” she replied after a moment’s consideration.

“If you’ll have us, we can help,” John said, looking back at Fiona.

“All right...what are your credentials?” she replied.

“I can vouch for them,” Kesley said. “They are both very strong, swift fighters with a lot of endurance and skill and practice. I trust them with my life.”

“Well damn, that’s quite the endorsement,” Fiona replied. She studied them a bit longer. “Okay. I get good vibes from you, and I trust Kesley. Although...not that I have a problem with race, but do you have the ability to hide yourself? An illusion amulet or something? Most people will react very poorly to a demon.”

“I can shape-shift,” Yelena replied.

“Okay, great! Then I accept your offer of help.” She stood up suddenly. “I really don’t mean to rush off, and I will totally come back and have a nice, long meal and conversation with you at some point in the near future, but I am very eager to get going.”

Kesley smiled knowingly and stood back up. “I understand, Fiona. You’ve always been a rather impatient girl.”

“I am a woman, not a girl,” she complained.

“When you’re my age, everyone else looks like boys and girls, I’m afraid,” Kesley replied.

Fiona sighed. “Fair point, I guess. Are you two good to go?”

“We’re ready to head out. We were just going to actually,” John replied.

“Perfect.” She gave Kesley a long hug. “Thank you so much for putting up with my impatient ass, Kesley. I have missed you very badly, and I do deeply appreciate this.”

“I understand, Fiona. Don’t worry. I’ll be here. I’m a patient woman.”

“Thank you.” She let go of Kesley and then whirled around, heading for the exit.

She really was impatient. John and Yelena each gave Kesley a hug and a kiss on the mouth. “Be sure to visit me sometime before you two leave the continent for good, yes? Last night was very invigorating and I would love to do it again.”

“Oh so would I,” John replied, and Yelena nodded.

Fiona paused. “What was so invigorating about last night?” she asked.

“I thought you had somewhere you desperately needed to be,” Kesley replied, smirking at her. Fiona sighed explosively. “Don’t worry. If you ask politely, I’m sure John and Yelena will be more than willing to tell you all about it.”

“Okay good. Let’s go, new friends,” she said, and resumed her walk.

They followed her out of the cave, and towards the next chapter in their life.

I hoped you enjoyed it! If you want to read Chapter II, you can do so right HERE if you are a 1$/month Patron.

Looking Ahead At 2019

This serves as a Newsletter, as well as a general mission statement for the upcoming year, and an idea of where I’m at right about now.

So. 2018. It kind of sucked.

On the one hand, it was, without question, my most successful year. I made frankly absurd money for about one month. And then Amazon came along and threatened to kill my career for literally no reason other than the fact that their stupid fucking algorithm had misfired and falsely accused me of attempting to manipulate the Kindle Unlimited.

I don’t really want to get into it all again, but the short of it is that I had a panic attack that lasted for about two months and more than likely was what led to my vague health concerns that still, to this day, haven’t amounted to anything. I’m happy to write them off as stress, because the alternatives are scarier, but I’ve been cleared by a doctor, so that’s about as far as it can go without wading into extremely costly territory.


After realizing that it was essentially impossible for me to make a genuine career out of independent writing without the Kindle Unlimited, I decided to play Russian Roulette and got back into the KU game. So far, it hasn’t blown up in my face.

2018 was also a year of change. I finally made the transition from writing serial, episodic fiction to writing novels. Something I’ve been wanting to do almost since the beginning. I’m absurdly grateful that this is actually working, although this year was a mess and nothing was released on schedule.

I also finally managed to get my entire backlog re-released as novels and collections! Very glad that’s out of the way, but unfortunately a new Everest is in my path. It’s looking like 2019 will be mired in distraction and stuff going on behind the scenes as well, as I have found a friend willing to edit all my titles, which means I have to re-edit all my titles as well, and that’s like 40 novels! Fuck!

So, first let’s talk about what I intend to do in 2019.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like a lot.

The biggest thing I want to get completely out of the way is the editing and updating of all my titles. That’s going to be a big time suck, partially because of how monumental the task is, partially because of how much I hate doing it. Seriously, I hate editing. A lot. And it’s not like it’s the kind of work anyone notices. No one’s going to notice when I quietly re-upload a new version of Wanderlust II with some minor tweaks and edits and a few tiny revisions to it. But I’ve got to do it.

As for the stuff you will notice? I have three primary goals this year.

  1. Finish Parasexual. That’s my big one. I want to get Parasexual written and done. I don’t know if I’ll actually be able to do this, but I’m going to try. The main problem is that I don’t know how many novels it’s going to entail.

  2. Continue Demoness. At present, I’m deep into writing Demoness IV. I fully intend to have it published sometime this month, but it might get pushed into February. I don’t want to cut content just to make some kind of deadline. I have a solid idea for Demoness V, and a rough idea for Demoness VI. It’s both my biggest seller and my favorite series, and I just keep getting ideas for it, so I want to keep going with it. I’m fairly sure I can push out at least three more Demoness novels in 2019, but don’t quote me on that.

  3. Start Haven. I’ve really, really been wanting to write Haven, because it’s more survival focused than anything else I’ve written, and that really appeals to me. I’m going to try and start working on it in the background here and there whenever I find time, and if Parasexual gets wrapped up, then I can shift that focus over to Haven.

In a way, what I just wrote is really disappointing to me. I mean, fuck, I have three goals for the entirety of a full year? (Technically four.) That sounds pathetic. It’s been frustrating this past year because due to a number of problems, some I went into, some I didn’t, as well as the transition from episodic to novel format, I’ve slowed down a lot. It’s my goal to get back to the output I was doing 2015 - 2017.

So, let’s do some immediate specifics on my goals, to let you know where I’m at right now.

  • DEMONESS IV. This is currently just over halfway written. I had to take a short break to update EVERY SINGLE TITLE. Since I finally finished re-releasing all my content, that meant I could finally provide hyperlinks in the back matter of every book. That took about four solid days of work back to back, it was tortuous and grueling, but I finally did it! I also had to tackle a number of other tiny issues that I’ve either been putting off or cropped up in the course of doing this. So anyway, I fully intend to have Demoness IV written, edited, and out by the end of January. This will be my main focus until it’s done. I almost have the cover art, and from what I’ve seen, it looks great. I’m really excited to get this one out, as it will be my biggest single title ever written and it’s been a lot of fun to write.

  • PARASEXUAL 3. So, this one is planned and I technically have begun writing it, but this got stalled really early on unfortunately as I became overwhelmed with other things. I plan to ramp up production this month alongside Demoness IV. This one is going to be different from the rest of the series in some ways. It seemed necessary in the course of planning it. So, if you aren’t comfortable with the new aspects of Parasexual 3, don’t worry! It’ll go back to normal after this book. If you do like them, then…sorry? I don’t know, I guess I’m just hoping that you’ll enjoy the series as a whole. When will this be done? I don’t know. I think I might be able to get it written and out by late February, but if I get my shit together and really get hardcore on writing, it might be sooner than that.

  • HAVEN. So, this is an idea I’ve had for a long time. It’s been slowly evolving over the past few years, but finally the storyline kind of coalesced in my head all at once last year. I’m very excited to write this one. Right now, it might turn out to be a trilogy, but it could easily expand into a full on series. I’m not really sure. I’m still finding my footing as a storyteller. Planning ahead has never really been my strong suit, so I’m doing my best. I’m pretty confident I’ll have the first novel out sometime in 2019, and I intend to get possibly the first three novels out before this time next year, but that is insanely ambitious so we’ll see. It has a lot more survival elements to it. Right now, all I have is an extremely basic idea of what the first book will be, I’m not even to the planning stages yet unfortunately, but it doesn’t take me terribly long to plan my novels, so once I get going, I should be able to start writing quickly.

  • EDITING. My shadow goal. At present, I’ve got 51 titles available on the Kindle store. Now, one of those is the Misty Vixen Starter Pack, two are novellas, seven are short stories, and seven of them are just collections, so they don’t really count for editing. However, that does mean that I have 34 novels to edit. Almost three dozen novels on top of the other material. I get the feeling I’m going to be doing this slowly over the course of the whole year. Normally I try to beast through stuff like this hard and fast, because when I see a mountain of tedious, repetitive work ahead of me, my instinct is to just sit down and tear through it as fast and as hard as I can. However, I can’t do this because I am now relying on another person, and they have their own life, and if I don’t want to ruin my friendship, I can’t keep hounding them to hurry up. Right now, they’ve edited six novels and a novella. I’m hoping we can work out a schedule. Having unfinished stuff like this drags on my brain and distracts me, so that, combined with the tediousness of editing this many titles, is definitely going to slow me down in 2019. I fully intend to have this project finished during this year, and as fast as possible, but unfortunately I have no idea how long it will take, so we’ll just have to see.

So, that’s the immediate specifics. How about we indulge in my enjoyment of talking about my ideas and get a view of the years to come and what I hope to achieve. I talked about this in my November Newsletter, so I’ll try to go into a bit more depth of detail. First, let’s talk about my four shared universes.


  • DEMONESS. My biggest and most ambitious series currently. Since I covered Demoness IV up above, let’s talk about everything else. First off, I did release a short story that takes place between Demoness III & IV. It picks up a month later and features Ellie, from Royal Lust. You can read it here. I enjoyed writing it and I’ve decided that I’m going to keep that up, writing short stories in between each of the novels from now on. I also plan to do an actual mini-series of shorts in between Demoness IV & V. Speaking of which, I have a solid idea of what I want to do for Demoness V, and a rough idea that I’m still sketching of how I’m going to deal with Demoness VI. I intend to keep this one going for at least a dozen books, almost certainly more than that. This will be a main focus for awhile.

  • WOMEN OF THE WILD. I actually now regret publishing this one, because I’ve had to put it on hold. The reason being I’d rather focus on Demoness. Now, I do have ideas for the next six novels in this series, so I don’t lack for ideas. I think I may slow down Demoness in 2020 to focus on this, or possibly alternate titles. First a Demoness book, then a Women of the Wild book, back and forth, just so that I can make some progress on it.

  • OTHER. So, I do have a bigger plot idea for this universe as a whole. Kind of an epic, world-spanning, apocalyptic adventure that features all the characters from all the series. However, I’m still trying to figure out how to actually implement it. Luckily, I’m years away from actually getting there, so I’m hoping I’ll have it figured out by then.


  • WILD DISCOVERY. This is an idea I’ve teased more than once. I have a skeleton of an idea for a 12-novel series. It has an emphasis on struggling for survival in extreme environments and, obviously, sex between humans and aliens. I also have the first two covers for them and they look really cool. I’m likely going to put a lot of focus into this one in 2020 because it’s the most developed.

  • UNTITLED HAREM EROTICA. I got an idea earlier this year that I’ve been tossing around in my head, trying to see if I can make it work. It’s similar to Parasexual in that it’s more erotica focused with a harem bent. I want it to be a more ‘feel-good’ story, though there will be some sadness to it. I’m still sketching this one out and I might even possibly drop it altogether if I can’t make it work, so we’ll see.

  • OTHER. Honestly, I don’t have a lot else for this universe planned. I have a few vague notions, but there’s a good chance that these ideas will be either abandoned or cannibalized for the other two series. I want to wind this universe down and kind of put it to sleep.


  • PARASEXUAL. I mostly covered this one up above, so not much new info here. I still don’t know how long this series will go on for. I have notions and ideas, and I do have an ending planned, but it really depends on ideas. As I mentioned before, if I had to ballpark it right now, maybe six novels, maybe eight. That’s a very rough estimate and I plan to actually sit down and figure out a better outline for the whole series in the near future.

  • OTHER. I actually have no other ideas for this universe. For whatever reason, I’ve always struggled to write in contemporary paranormal romance. Who knows? I might come up with some really cool idea at some point in the future, but I doubt it. So like the Science Fiction universe, I intend to put this universe to bed so that I can focus on other things as soon as Parasexual is wrapped up.


  • HAVEN. I pretty much covered this one up above. Not much else to say.

  • UNTITLED HAREM EROTICA. So, I have an idea that I haven’t quite attempted before, and I’m really into it, and I’m really excited to write it. I don’t want to give anything about it away. This one will also be a series with a big emphasis on survival, sex, and building relationships between characters. I plan to start writing it after Haven is wrapped up.

  • OTHER. As far as other ideas go, I do have one more series planned that will kind of tie together everything I’ve written in this universe so far, while at the same time telling its own story, somewhat similar to the Fantasy one. The only difference there is that I actually know how I want to handle this and that there isn’t going to be as much build up. Like with the others, I will put this universe to sleep after wrapping up this final series. In general, as much as I like shared universes, I do want to move away from them towards singular storylines like most other authors who seem to be actually succeeding in their careers. I’d like to do that too. I’m honestly a little surprised because I thought people would like shared universes, what with how well Avengers is doing. Maybe they just have the market cornered? Or people who like Avengers don’t like to read erotica?


  • UNTITLED SCI-FI SURVIVAL HORROR. So, I’ve dabbled here and there with horror elements. I like horror. I want to try my hand at writing it. It won’t be terribly different from the other stuff I’ve written, just a bit scarier. Honestly, I’m not even sure I can truly call this a horror. This will be set in a future where civilization has been shattered by a terrible event that left most people scrambling to survive. Trust is difficult between survivors, and everything is extremely dangerous. It’ll be a kind of harem, with one male survivor getting stranded in a bad situation and slowly building up a crew of other female survivors who each bring something unique to the table in terms of survival. It’ll definitely have some aliens in it, and interracial sex and love. I’m super excited for this one, which makes me sad that I have to put it off for so long.

  • UNTITLED SUPER HERO SERIES. So I’ve noticed that super hero harem fiction is big, which makes sense given how Avengers is dominating everything everywhere. I don’t know if it’ll still be popular by the time I get around to writing this, but I guess it doesn’t matter too much. I ended up coming up with an idea and some characters that I like a lot.

  • UNTITLED GAME-LIT SERIES. Like super hero stuff, game related stuff is massive. I came up with an idea that I think has a lot of potential, and I think might also be kind of different from other aspects of popular game-lit erotica stories out there. This one might be riskier because I’ll be I guess…how to put it? Caring less what popular convention is doing, and more just writing an idea that I love. Writing what you love and saying damn the consequences sounds great, except it might sell like shit and suck up months and months of your time, which is risky. But who knows, maybe people will love it. I hope so, I really like the idea.

  • UNTITLED MASSIVE CROSSOVER. So this one sounds weird, but this is an idea I’ve had for a long time now. It sounds kind of nuts, but I have an idea to pull beings and ideas from all my universes and put them into a new, unique environment. I honestly have no idea when I’ll get to this one, and I think it would actually make more sense to create new universes (i.e. the stand-alone series I’m mentioning) before writing it, so that there’s more content to draw on. It’ll be a bit more ambitious, so I want to wait a few years until I’m better at writing and planning.

  • UNTITLED DYSTOPIAN ACTION SERIES. This is the last idea that I have that I feel is coherent enough to be properly expressed. Basically, it’s a dark future where an alien empire overtook the Earth and now rules with an iron fist. It’ll focus on the underground rebellion. This one will be a lot more story/action oriented. There will still be sex and romance, but not as much.

  • OTHER IDEAS. So I only have two other series ideas. One is a cyberpunk erotica series, but I haven’t been able to make that one work, and I’m not sure if I ever will. The second is a human-on-furry series that’s a lot like my Paranormal universe. Basically, the big difference there is that instead of paranormals, it’s furries that share the Earth with humans. You can see the problem, given that I had a lot of trouble writing for that universe. I think I’m just bad at writing just romance or just erotica, I need to have some other main plot going on in there. Besides these two, I do have some other ideas floating around, stuff I’ve come up with over the years, some of it much more…normal, I guess is the word? Normal in that it’s humans fucking humans in a modern setting. Nothing weird or out there or fantastic about it. I still have these tucked away and may eventually get around to writing them. Although now that I feel like I don’t have to turn to writing what’s popular, I’ll probably just change these storylines and put them in my shared universes and make it between a guy and an alien or a guy and a paranormal, something like that. Way easier to write.

And that’s basically all of it! I’d say that I easily have enough ideas to keep me going for the next decade, probably longer. And I have no intention of stopping writing. Writing is really the only thing I’m any good at, it seems. I love writing so much that I want to keep doing it for the rest of my life!

I hope everyone reading this has a happy 2019, and that things as a whole go better for the world. I’m going to be working really hard on getting my readers a lot of new content, and I would like to say thank you so very much for supporting me in any and all the ways that you do. I genuinely, deeply appreciate it all!

Also, one little PS. I’ve updated my Patreon a slight bit. 1$/month Supporters will now get access to the first two chapters of my in-progress titles, as I will be posting the first chapter for free to my website! Also, in case anyone who is reading this isn’t aware of my Patreon, 5$/month Supporters get early access to nude versions of my cover art! It comes out one month after it’s released on my Patreon, so if you don’t want to or can’t donate, don’t feel like you have to. Eventually, everything released through my Patreon does get released to the general public.

Thanks again for reading, and happy new year!

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (December 2018)

Here we are. The last month of the year, and the beginning of the horror that is winter. Let’s get this started.


Admittedly, most of November was kind of dead, but then I got a bunch of stuff done at the end there!

I released five novels! And one of them wasn’t a re-release!

Sorry it took so long to get Parasexual 2 out. Although the edits went fairly quickly, there was some trouble with the cover art. But it’s up now! Now, let’s talk about this month.



I’ll lead with the cool news: I am officially over 1/3 finished writing Demoness IV! I’ve actually been doing pretty good at consistently writing it almost every day. I’m feeling pretty good about how it’s coming out and I do fully intend to go full steam ahead with it, making it my main focus until it is finished. If we’re very lucky, I’ll have it out in January, but I don’t want to make any promises because I have other things going on in the background and, on top of that, I’m already beginning to feel the effects of winter. Mainly I’m just fucking exhausted a lot and it’s hard to focus.

I do intend to have the expanded version of Demoness up this month. I also intend to have Fun in the Forest published through the KU as well, but I’m currently waiting on the cover art. Once these two things are complete, I will finally re-enroll all three Demoness novels back into the KU. I also intend to have The Former Princess published this month as well, but it’s looking a little iffy. We’ll see. It basically completely depends on whether or not I can get the cover art for it.


I have officially planned Parasexual 3, though I have yet to begin writing it. I want to get through writing at least half of Demoness IV before I begin dividing my attention once again. I wanted to give out a little word of warning with regards to Parasexual 3: it’s going to be somewhat different than any of the other books in the entire series. As for why this is happening, well…I’m not sure. It just kind of came out that way. As I was planning it, it just felt necessary. So I guess what I’m saying is, don’t expect the elements of Parasexual 3 that stick out as different to become the new normal.


Although I’m 99% positive that it will be impossible to do, I would like to get all of my re-releases out before the end of the year. It’s a lofty goal and it depends on a few things, but it’s what I’d like to do.

Now, the second thing might be disappointing to some people, but I think most people won’t care. After thinking about it for awhile now, I’ve decided that I am not going to continue the Lust & Adventure series, nor am I going to write Sex & Survival 4. I do want to apologize, and offer an explanation. I’ll try to explain it best I can.

Something happened at the beginning of 2018. I’m not sure what, but I think I kind of reached a point where I just couldn’t keep writing episodic stories. For the first two years or so, I enjoyed what I was writing well enough. I mean, it was kind of overwhelming, often even, because I had to keep producing at such a breakneck pace, but I was able to keep it up without too much difficulty. (Again, for the most part.) Even up through December 2017 I was finishing up Desire, and doing a good job at getting regular content out. But then it came time to finish up Sex & Survival.

Since about Alien Harem, when I really began to settle into the six episode seasons, it took me roughly between one month and a month and a half to get a whole season written. Typically a month. I kept that up for just about 3 solid years. That’s a lot of writing. But in December of 2017 and January of 2018, I just hit this kind of wall. I think it was because I had gotten a taste of writing longer content. First with Demoness, which has become my favorite series I’ve ever written. Then I had a lot of fun writing The Misty Vixen Starter Pack (especially Like A Sex Toy) and Women of the Wild. But I was focusing on writing Demoness II for the first portion of 2018. And I just wanted to write it so much more than I wanted to write anything episodic. It felt so much more natural, it flowed so much better, it was just an all around far more rewarding experience to write. And you can really see this reflected in the Sex & Survival release dates.

Where as with basically every other season of every other series taking about a month to write, it took me over two and a half months to write Season Three of Sex & Survival, and that was after taking a month long break. I just didn’t want to write it. It was like pulling teeth. It was really awful. As the rest of 2018 played out and I started working on novels, it’s really, really hit home just how much I’ve come to dislike writing episodic fiction, and how much I really, really want to write longer works.

Because of this, I kind of feel like everything I wrote before Demoness II (with the exception of Demoness & Women of the Wild) is kind of part of its own era. Publishing Demoness II was like beginning a new chapter in my writing career. And so honestly I just don’t want to go back. I want to go forward. I want to write new content instead of rehashing older stuff.

It was why I decided against rewriting Alien Harem and Valkyries. And it’s why I’ve decided to leave Lust & Adventure and Sex & Survival alone and not continue those series.

There’s other reasons too, but that is the biggest one. For Lust & Adventure, I ultimately felt like any of the ideas I was coming up with for continuing that series would be way more useful as material for Women of the Wild or Demoness. For Sex & Survival, well, I feel like that series really floundered. Even people who liked it probably sensed this about it. Mainly, I just didn’t know what to do with the universe. It came from, I think, the fact that there are only really two types of enemies to fight: zombies and hostile people. Weirdly, this made me feel limited. I don’t know why, but it did. And so I finally had a breakthrough and came up with an idea of how to fix this. And so it makes more sense to begin fresh with a new series in the same universe, rather than write one more novel for a trilogy that isn’t that good to begin with.

I hope you can understand my reasoning and that you aren’t too upset if you were looking forward to future titles in those series.


The big thing I want to say is that I’ll be having a big Christmas sale. I’m going to have all of my stand alone titles, and all the first books in every series, be free for five days, starting December 23rd and ending December 27th. I’m hoping this will kind of kick me back into popularity. If I could make even like half of what I did in May, I’d be living the goddamned high life.

The editing is going a lot slower than I’d hoped. So far, I’ve only managed to edit Wanderlust I. I’m halfway through Wanderlust II right now. I actually had my editor, who’s working on My Undead Lover right now, prepare to get back to editing the Demoness series, because something occurred to me. I’m not terribly far away from finishing up Demoness IV, and when it’s done, I’ll need to have them edit it right away. Which they can’t really do if they haven’t also read Demoness II & III, and Fun in the Forest & The Former Princess. Which is going to take time. Which means they should probably get started on it sooner instead of later, which means I’ll have to put a bit of a pause on editing the other titles. So great. I’m trying to get my fantasy universe backlog knocked out of the way first, as it’s by far the biggest. Once it’s over, I’ll feel a lot better, because it’ll get a lot easier.

I guess the only other thing I have to say is that I still do intend to work on my incest story, but, like before, there’s just too much other stuff going on. It will get there someday!

As I mentioned above, winter’s upon me now. It’s cold and miserable and it gets dark way too early. I’m combating it best I can, but I’m sure that I’m going to get worse before I get better. So if I’m slow or unresponsive, that’s why.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (November 2018)

Okay, here we go.


So, I managed to get at least a few things done in October.

I managed to publish four novels, a collection, and a bonus short story!

That’s the bulk of what I actually got done. Honestly, everything else I technically did or made progress on needs to be discussed in the next section, so let’s just move to that.


So, first of all, I should definitely have Parasexual 2 out in November. I finished writing it and have sent it over to my editor. Last I heard, she’s halfway through it or so. Once she gets done and tosses it back to me, I’ll do an edit for myself. I’m currently still waiting on the cover art for it, but I’m hoping that by the time I’m done editing, it’ll be ready. And then I’ll publish it! It’s about 12,000 words longer than Parasexual and I hope you like it.

Now, I’ve gotten the plan for Demoness IV all worked out, and I’m almost positive it’s going to be longer than Demoness III. Although I don’t think this trend of each book being longer than the last to continue beyond this next novel. It’s kind of just working out that way. And I could be wrong, Demoness IV could be roughly the same length or maybe even a little shorter, but I doubt it. I think I’d like to settle on an average length somewhere between 75,000 and 90,000 words. Which, to give you an idea of that, it would fall somewhere between 220 and 265 Kindle Pages. Demoness III was about 78,000 words and 229 Kindle Pages, which I feel pretty good about for length. On top of this, I have officially begun writing Demoness IV!

So when’s it coming out? Shit, I don’t know. I will work hard on it, but I’m just going to call it now and say it is not coming out in 2018. I’m looking at an early 2019 release date, but it might be as late as February or possibly even March. I will try hard to get it written, but writing it alongside Parasexual 3 and all the editing I’ll be doing, combined with the fact that we’re heading into winter now means that I probably won’t be writing super fast.

And yeah, I’ll begin writing Parasexual 3 this month as well. I’m going to try and have it out sometime in December.

Now, let’s discuss some of the bigger things happening.

In a previous post I mentioned that I now have a friend of mine editing my works. Since I have always wanted another pair of eyes on my work, and because she agreed to it, I have decided to just go ahead and have her edit my entire fucking library. And because I’m, in some ways, a precision freak, I’ll feel the need to read over everything that gets edited as well to see if I can catch anything else.

Now, because I’m going over (for the last fucking time) my entire library again, I have also decided to do something that I really should have done from the beginning: create a timeline. Now this primarily will refer to my fantasy universe, given that there really hasn’t been much content written for the paranormal and post-apocalyptic universes, and the timeline for the science fiction universe is pretty straightforward. I’ll be taking the opportunity to go back and look at all the clues I wrote into the works, because although I did have a rough idea of when stuff takes place, and on a very basic level you can figure out the timeline in terms of the order of titles published. Wanderlust is first, and I think My Undead Lover and Royal Lust took place sometime during or shortly after, and obviously Royal Lust takes place after My Undead Lover, then comes Lust & Adventure, then Demoness, then Women of the Wild. There are some specific references in there, like Lydia in Demoness III, so I do feel like I need to actual create a document with a definitive timeline instead of just having it as this vague notion in my head. I’ll release it on the website for those who care, and I’ll do the same for the science fiction universes.

Next on the list: I’ll be re-publishing Alien Harem & Valkyries as they were instead of doing full rewrites. I came to this decision after going back and expanding Desire and Demoness. The reason is because I realized that I don’t like going backwards. Expanding those two novellas was kind of grueling work, and it made me realize that going back and rewriting two of my series, even though they could use it, would take a LOT of my time and although at first I’d probably enjoy myself, I would quickly tire of it and eventually I’d start dreading it, which means that it would not only take longer but would sap my energy while working on other projects. So, if you were looking forward to that, I am sorry.

Okay, so because I like doing stuff like this, I’ll just make a list of my stories that still need tending to, or changes are being made, or are upcoming. So here we go.

  • DEMONESS. Okay, actually a lot to say about this. First of all, I did finish expanding Demoness I. I added in about 15,000 words. It has been edited by my editor, although I haven’t gotten to edit it yet. Unfortunately, it’s going to be a little while before I get that version uploaded and get the Demoness books enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited. Here’s why: I want to have everything perfect and ready to go before I do so. So what’s required to getting everything perfect? Well, Demoness I, II, & III needs to be edited by both myself and my editor, as well as Fun in the Forest and The Former Princess. On top of that, I am going to have cover art made for both of those shorts as well. On top of that, and this is important, I am not going to keep those stories free. Why the hell am I doing that? Well, honestly, not that many people are reading them, based on the metrics I’m getting. I honestly think way more people would read them if I published them and enrolled them in the Kindle Unlimited. Which means I need to take them down from my website. So here’s what I’ll do in the future: I’ll first put the free shorts that take place in between the novels (because I intend to do more) on my website for a little bit, give people the chance to read them, then I’ll take them down for publication. And there will be warning ahead of time, so if you follow my Twitter, you should be fine. So it’ll be a little while before anything visible happens relating to Demoness, several months at least.

  • OLDER CONTENT. So I still have some older content to re-release. Alien Harem 1 & 2, the Valkyries Trilogy, and Sex & Survival 1, 2, & 3. I’ll put up Alien Harem and the Valkyries Trilogy as soon as I get cover art for them, and I’ll put up Sex & Survival as soon as I get closer to writing Sex & Survival 4. After that, I’ll be done re-publishing stuff!


  • FANTASY. This one is my main focus right now. Demoness is going to continue for quite awhile, although I honestly will have to take a break at some point to focus on other stuff. I also still need to at some point continue the Women of the Wild series, but I’m still not sure when that’ll be. That goes double for Lust & Adventure, which I won’t be re-publishing until I’m ready to write Lust & Adventure IV, which I’ve got no idea when that’ll be. I do have really, really big plans for this universe, like a huge, epic, world-changing adventure featuring, in one form or another, probably every main and most side characters I’ve written about, and some not yet written about. I’ve laid down a few very, very vague hints alluding to a larger story so far, and more will be coming in the future, but it’ll be quite awhile before I get to this.

  • SCIENCE FICTION. I don’t have a whole lot of plans for this one, actually. After getting all the older stuff re-published, I currently have one more idea for a decently long running series called Wild Discovery, which is more of a survival erotica. It’s going to take place ten or maybe fifteen years after all the other stories and feature a new alien race. I do have another vague idea for a series set in this universe, but it hasn’t really taken shape yet, so if I do get around to it, it’ll be awhile. I think there’s a decent chance that Wild Discovery, which I think will run for 12 novels, but that could change, will be the end of the Sci-Fi universe for awhile.

  • PARANORMAL. So this one I’m definitely bringing to a close for the foreseeable future when I finish up Parasexual. I have a few vague ideas, but honestly, this is the universe I find it hardest to write for, or at least come up with ideas for. Since I have so many other ideas jostling for my attention, I see no reason to try and expand this universe any further if I’m having a lot of trouble.

  • POST-APOCALYPTIC. So, I actually had a breakthrough earlier this year in terms of making this universe more viable. After Sex & Survival 4 is written, I plan on writing Haven, which takes place about a year later and I feel really good about, then another series that I actually think might be really awesome, or at the very least, it will hit a certain fetish that I’ve brought up a few times now very hard. And then after that I’ll do probably one more series that kind of unites the protagonists from Sex & Survival, Haven, and the unnamed series, and be kind of a climax. Then I’ll probably set that universe aside, unless I get some extremely compelling idea.

  • WHAT ELSE? Something that I’ve been thinking about is moving away from shared universes and doing stand-alone series. Let me give you a little bit of an idea of stories I’ve got waiting in the wings. Although I never thought I’d say so because I don’t chase trends, after realizing that super hero stories and LitRPG or GameLit stories are so popular, I thought about it and realized that I actually have a few ideas. So I’ll be doing a super hero series and a GameLit series. I mentioned on Twitter that I recently got an idea for a Sci-Fi/Horror series. I really, really want to write this one and really like it, so that’s definitely on the list. Those three will definitely be my main focus after I wrap up some of my shared universes (probably not permanently but for awhile). Besides that, I have an idea for a kind of big crossover series of all my universes (sounds crazy, I know, but I’ve got a good idea.) I also have an idea for an action series that follows a group of freedom fighters trying to overthrow an alien government in the future after an alien invasion occurred and Earth became occupied. I have other, even vaguer ideas floating around that haven’t really coalesced into anything yet. So obviously I have ideas for years and years of content. When 2019 rolls around, I’ll probably do a big retrospective and look forward and go into all this a bit more.

So that’s about it. Because of all this editing and writing that’s going to be going on, I’m probably going to go a little quiet for the rest of the year and somewhat into 2019, just working my ass off on getting it all done. Honestly, I will be feeling SO much better once all this editing is out of the way, the timelines are made, the old stuff is re-published, and Sex & Survival 4 is written and out. Because once all that is done, I will return to simply looking forward again, and working on maybe two things at a time and being able to have a clearer, more focused mind and get a lot more written a lot quicker!

A Few Quick Updates

Hey, just thought I’d fill everyone in on a few things I’m doing and a few decisions I’ve come to.

So, first of all, I’ve got a friend who’s going to help me by editing my work, which I figure will be very helpful. Provided this works out and I’m not too demanding, I’m going to give them all my older works to look over, and new works from now on. Hopefully this’ll catch a lot of the little things that I miss. It’ll never be perfect, but better is good.

And because I need to look over anything that’s been edited by another person, this means that I’ll have to be looking over my entire catalog…again. I’m honestly hoping this is genuinely the last time I have to do this, and since that’s going to be happening, I’m going to take the opportunity to actually create a working timeline for my various universes.

With my paranormal and post-apocalyptic universes, I could do it right now, since there’s so little there right now. But with something like my fantasy and sci-fi universes, especially the fantasy one, I need to go back through and really examine everything. As a very rough notion, the order in which I wrote the stories is basically the timeline. I did try to put in some references to events in other books, but honestly, I should have been figuring this out more specifically. I don’t think most people really care all that much, but I know there are some dedicated fans who want to know, which is awesome, so I’ll be doing this as well.

This whole process is going to take quite awhile, and will be going on quietly in the background for several months at least.

Now, the bigger decision.

I have decided that I will NOT be re-writing Alien Harem & Valkyries. Instead, I’ll be re-releasing them as is (with new cover art/formatting though). The reason I’m doing this is because going back over Desire and Demoness and expanding them has taught me an important lesson: I DO NOT DO WELL WITH RETREADING OLD GROUND.

This expansion process has actually taken a pretty big toll on me. I’m having a really hard time with writing new material for Demoness right now. I think it’s probably coming out okay, but it’s kind of like running a marathon. It’s really frustrating. And it really just taught me that while at first I might enjoy the process of rewriting Alien Harem or Valkyries, it would quickly become a huge drain on me, and that’s actually rewriting entire NOVELS, not just writing some new material.

So, if you were looking forward to those, I am sorry, but I’ve learned that I really need to look forward to new material, because I actually have a LOT of ideas that I’m really eager to get to, and that holding them up just to rehash older material doesn’t make sense any longer.

As of right now, I’m kind of on approach to the home stretch of finishing up Parasexual 2. Probably another two weeks of writing, I think, we’ll see.

Almost done with the expansion of Demoness, just need to finish writing the final piece of new content, then finish editing the rest of the novel to make sure it all fits together. Then it needs to be edited, as well as Demoness II & III. Then they go up and get enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited!

I also got started writing the Demoness short that takes place after III but before IV. Got about a thousand words in last night. I don’t think it’ll be longer than maybe eight thousand words. Once Demoness is done, I’ll turn my full extra attention to that short. I’m so looking forward to having them both done and out. I suck at multi-tasking most of the time.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (October 2018)

Oh wow…

So September was a fairly big month for drastic changes on my part.

Let’s get started.


Let’s get the simple stuff out of the way first.

I published four novels and a collection!

Obviously that’s not the release schedule I originally had set. I’m beginning to suspect that release schedules aren’t really compatible with me. Something I typed during the last Newsletter was “I need to prepare like 12 novels for re-release. Which, admittedly, won't take a LOT of time, but I can't just release them when they're done.” But after I wrote that, I began thinking about it, and asked myself…well, why? Why can’t I?

Why not just release something if it’s ready?

And that’s why I got the Paranormal Passions Trilogy out. They were ready. Why wait? But I’ll get more into this later.

I posted five more free short stories.

That represents the last of my ‘reserve’, as in, stories I had leftover from the Quickies collections and other collections. It’s possible there might be a few more, as I have yet to fully go over Sex & Survival, and I think one or two of the bonus shorts I wrote for it might not so comfortably fit in a novel format, but we’ll see.

Now, as for the bigger stuff.

My Patreon Library is gone. There is no 10$ tier any longer. The reason for this is because I decided to rejoin the Kindle Unlimited. Why in the fuck did I decide to do that? For a long explanation, read this. For a short version? It’s…complicated. Honestly, I feel like I’ll just butcher it if I try to shorten it. Just go check out that blog post. But that’s why it’s gone, I can’t have my titles that are enrolled in the KU available literally anywhere else. The biggest bonus of this is that a lot of people who had to stop reading me because they were only able to do so through the KU now get to read me again!

My Patreon is still there, and anyone who wants to help out is still really appreciated.

Uh…what else did I do last month? It wasn’t a great month. Besides the generalized anxiety and depression issues, I had a death in the family. Still kind of dealing with that. If I seem kind of erratic or scatterbrained, that’s probably why.

Oh, if you missed it, I did write a rare blog post about my views on the fact that I write feel good stories. Check it out.

I think that’s about it.


Well, first off, I do intend to get the Desire series back out. The first one is going through the publishing process as we speak. It will be enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited. Going forward, practically everything I write should be. The release dates I have on my release schedule might not hold up because I’m waiting on the cover art, but otherwise the books are done and ready to go. I expanded Desire by about 12,000 words, so even if you read it before, maybe pick it up again. Or read it through the KU. Otherwise, nothing new for Desire 2, 3, & 4.

I’m going to try and get a free short story that takes place in between Demoness III & IV out. It’s set about a month or so after the end of Demoness III and will be just a fun little adventure story. And it will be featuring a character from another, much older fantasy story of mine!

I fully intend to update my novel Demoness this month. As I mentioned earlier, I really wanted to go back and expand it a bit for a few reasons. Mainly because when I was writing it, I didn’t know it was going to be one of my favorite stories and the beginning novel in my freaking flagship franchise. I’ve already begun the process and I have to say, going back and even just re-reading/editing over what I had so far, it’s given me a chance to clean up some inconsistencies that I wasn’t really thinking about because again, I didn’t know I’d be doing a second or third book, let alone probably my biggest series ever! There isn’t going to be a massive amount of content added. I’m shooting for about 14,000 words, bringing the total wordcount up to roughly 45,000 words. So still pretty short for a book, but a bit more respectable I think. What can you expect? Some more interaction between John and Yelena, some more sex scenes, (obviously), and mainly an extension of the plot point near the end of the book where they help Lily by taking out a necromancer’s experiment gone wrong. That’s going to be a bit more of a thing. Now, if you already have this book, you should be able to simply go in and download the updated version. If you have the Kindle Unlimited, just borrow and read! Once this update gets pushed out, I’ll be enrolling Demoness II & III in the KU as well.

Now, with regards to me being in the Kindle Unlimited, please take note that right now, the only titles currently not enrolled in the KU are my Demoness Trilogy and Women of the Wild. Everything else (with the exception of my episodic titles and their complete seasons, and my already free titles,) is in the KU. So if you missed anything, check it out!

Now let’s talk about why I’m seriously beginning to doubt the idea of a release schedule. It occurred to me not too long ago when I was working on Parasexual 2. At present, I’m halfway to my approximated word count that I expected it to come out to. However, I don’t think I’m halfway done with the story. This seems to be happening more than ever now than I’m writing actual novels. I don’t know if it’s just the fact that I’m working with longer material and I’ll eventually get a better hang of it…or if it’s just something I’m personally bad at.

I’m also thinking that Demoness IV is going to be longer than Demoness III, and Demoness III was the longest thing I’ve ever written.

So this is why I want to relax the release schedule, and I think you’ll agree with me: Whenever I hear about some kind of creative endeavor that suffered at the cost of the release date, (this happens with video games a lot, in my experience), I always get sad and wish that they would have just been allowed to take the extra few months, or even the extra year. I mean, Dragon Age II needed more time, and clearly suffered because of it. Dragon Age III, on the other hand, was given an extra year, and it fucking SHINES as a result. (DA: Inquisition was fucking amazing.)

So my point is this: I think most of you, as an audience, would rather I take the time to get it right instead of hitting an arbitrary release date. Which is why I’m basically just going to be a lot more loose with the release schedule and probably change it to a ‘What I’m Working On’ page.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to George R. R. Martin it up and stretch this shit out for months or years. Believe me, I still want to get these stories to you as much as I hope you want to read them.

So, with that being said, how are things going with Parasexual 2 and Demoness IV? Not as well as I’d like, but I also believe in being honest.

I’m probably a good 2/5 of the way done with Parasexual 2. And starting this week I intend to get back on the horse and ride hard to the finish line of this book. I am going to try and not let life get in the way as much as it has been over the past several months and just get this book written.

Demoness IV is still in the planning stages. I honestly thought I’d have begun writing it by now, but after writing the third book, I needed a break. I needed time to just step away and let all the ideas I have for IV stir up, then settle down, so I can sort through them and assemble them as best I can. I’ve got the skeleton of the book uncovered and I intend to have a fully fleshed-out plan by the end of this week.

I feel like that’s all the big stuff out of the way. Now, where I’m at with the other stuff cluttering up the background.

Kyra’s Game, my incest erotica, hasn’t seen any progress. I still really want to write this, I’m just too goddamned busy.

Lust & Adventure. The more I think about it, the more I think I’m going to just pull this down for now and put it back into storage. I’m not abandoning this series, but I do need to put it on ice for now. I don’t think too many people will be upset because I honestly don’t know if this series had a lot of fans. I'll be honest and admit that I’m not 100% sure why I feel like doing this, only that my instincts are telling me to. I think one reason is that I don’t want yet another series sitting idle on Amazon. I’ve already got Women of the Wild stalled for now.

Now that Desire is expanded and out of the way, I think that once I get Demoness expanded, and that Demoness short story written and finished, I’ll be able to begin turning my spare attention to Sex & Survival 4. Once I get that out of the way, I’ll technically be caught up! I do still need to rewrite Alien Harem and Valkyries, but those can definitely wait.

I’d really like to get to the point where I’m just hammering away at Demoness and Parasexual. Although I honestly am not sure when Demoness is going to end, I’m confident that Parasexual will not end up a mega-series like Demoness. It’ll definitely reach its end before too long. I have rough ideas for want I want to do for Parasexual 3 & 4, and I feel confident there will be at least a 5, possibly a 6. But again…we’ll really have to see. I’m not really a fan of keeping a series going for the sake of money. I have so many other ideas I really want to get to! Once Parasexual ends, I think I’ll start work on Haven. But that’s getting ahead of myself.

I think that’s everything. The only other thing to say is that now I’m living with background fear that I’m going to get slammed by Amazon again and I might not walk away the next time. Unfortunately, I have to play Russian Roulette if I want to actually succeed in life. Is it fair? Fuck no. But as everyone is apparently so goddamned thrilled to point out: Life isn’t fair.

Wish me luck. I’ll try to work harder and write faster.